I would like to thank the following people for their work producing the graphics in use on this website:
The Home Page     Composite graphic elements:
       "Night Sky" background recovered from an astronomy website        The hull of the Dawnstar Horizon by Travis Leichssenring        The hull of a Suleiman class Scout Ship : Jay Thurman via Google Sketchup        Gas Giant Image : Ian Stead via his website: Biomasseart website        Graphic of star with close - in planet : Grabbed off one of many websites
The Image and Deck Plans of the Upgrade     Gabriel Beckett has been kind enough to create and provide 3D images of the IMS Upgrade.  An image from that set of pictures has            been used to update the main image on the site's Index(home) page.  Gabrial created the image on the RPG Engine .  The Upgrade is            an original design and concept work by Marc Grossman
The Image and Deck Plans of the Hotel California     Original Art by Travis Leichssenring based on an original design and concept work            by Marc Grossman
The Characters:     Original Art by Travis Leichssenring:
     Lady Dame Mikah, Sir Zimzod, Sir Emkir, Dame Inger
     Dame Aalikiir Khiiriisom Khaanmii Eikusdi Piirirshu
           A composite graphic from many sources by Marc Grossman
           Based on Traveller wallpaper art by Tom Peters ( http://tpeters.com/ )
     Original Art by Bradley Warnes( http://baronekum.deviantart.com/ ):
           Sir Zachariah Wood, Sir Brian Montgomery, Sir Rol Kaihvos, Captain Kyle van Ryddoth,
           Munarshu Usuker Kam Shamshangi Sidigur and Fesic Anfertirkåsmokt.
     Original Art by Shawn Smith-Ford( available at: shaddow_knyght@comcast.net ):
           Sir Sekea Sian
           Scout Colinne Paan
The Ships:    The Gionetti class light cruiser
           graphic comes from Page 28 of GDW's "Traveller Suppliment 9: Fighting Ships"
    The INS Quasar Viper graphics
           The sensor image was created by Marc Grossman using Rhyno3D when it was available
           The deck plans used for the "Deck plan" and "Damage Report" graphic were created from a
                 link found on CoTI
           The former link to the comment was:                  http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showthread.php?t=3732
    The Far Trader class Freighter image:
           Comes from Devianart's page found: Here
System Data:    The Pavabid System:
           The world map was created using the "Heaven & Earth" software package written by Stuart
           Ferris. The image was modified by Marc Grossman in Photoshop, to add city names
    The Rhylanor System:
           The image of Rhylanor, used on History Page 50: "Arrival In Rhylanor" was copied                 from this page
           That site did not reference the source.
    The Equus System:
           The world map on The Music Changes, The Dance Goes On
           and on Morning's Light, Explosions Bright
               was created using Stuart Ferris' "Heaven and Earth" and modified in Photoshop
               by Marc Grossman.
Miscellaneous Art:     The Assaut Vehicle on History Page 24, "A Second Night on Inthe and all the Battles"            By Marc Grossman using Photoshop.
     The first floor of the factory on History Page 24, "A Second Night on Inthe and all the Battles"            By Marc Grossman using Photoshop.
     The New Port Dunslade map on History page 18,"Bad First Impressions In The Inthe System"            By Marc Grossman from Google Maps and modified using Photoshop
     The first floor of the factory on History Page 24, "A Second Night on Inthe and all the Battles"            By Marc Grossman using Photoshop.
     The TAS News Line Markers which are now used on "A Day on Risek's Docks"            By Marc Grossman using Photoshop.
     The Jewelled Unicorn head on Arts And Shopping Adventures            By Marc Grossman            The piece is part of a larger piece of jewelry captured from the web and altered in Photoshop            (Eye Gemstone changed from Emerald to Ruby, nose gemstone added, Head cut from a full            body pendant, horn shortened, silvered highlights added)
     The "Joyeuse Region" map image on Plans And Potentates            The base image, copied from the Traveller Map was modified by Marc Grossman            in Photoshop.
     The "Station orbiting Rhylanor" image on the history pages 50 - 78            Modified by Marc Grossman from base images copied from:            Image created by the User Freiheitskampfer, displayed on deviantart.com            And an image created by the User Dark Attsios, displayed on a Trantor Wiki article            This represents the Primary Rhylanor system highport.
     Departing Scout in shadow on Leaving Porozlo            Modified by Marc Grossman            The base image was copied from deviantart Here This link no longer works            and brightened by Marc Grossman using Photoshop.
     The Tukera Long Liner on Arrival in Porozlo            Was modified by Marc Grossman using Photoshop            from a base image was scanned from "The Traveller Adventure", published by GDW
     The Dawnstar Horizon on The Destroyer Mission            Modified by Marc Grossman from a base image copied from a site showing a multiple                 airfields using Photoshop
           The Scout ship on the Home page was copied from:               http://www.freelancetraveller.com/features/gallery/mag/types.html
     Hiver on The Transfer            Was scanned from "The Traveller Adventure", published by Far Futures Enterprises
     K'Kree on The Transfer            Modified by Marc Grossman using Photoshop            The base image was scanned from "The Traveller's Digest #18, K'kree Passage",            published by Digest Group Publications, Image created by A.C. Farley, and modified            by Marc Grossman
     The Space Battle on A Week In Stepozhevac            Modified by Marc Grossman using Photoshop            The base image was scanned from the cover of "Traveller's Aide #7: "Fighting Ships"            The desired art was cut and saved for this use
     The Berth on By The Light Of Burning Bridges            Modified by Marc Grossman in photoshop            The base image was scanned from "The Traveller Book", as well as some of the added                accent art.
     Emerald / Hoth cross on In A Previous Life            Modified by Marc Grossman            The base images were copied from: Green World: Here and Snow World: Here and turned                90 deg clockwise.  Then the two were cut together in photoshop
     Missile Fire on Unexpected Visitors!            Copied from http://vectormovement.wordpress.com
     The Dolphin in encounter suit on The Music Changes, The Dance Goes On            Created by Roger Moore and scanned from Page 38 of the Journal of the Traveller's Aid                Society issue #6, by GDW
     The Console graphic on Morning's Light, Explosions Bright            Created using an MS Windows console and modified in Photoshop by Marc Grossman
     The Heraldic Arms on Morning's Light, Explosions Bright            Created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman to match a specific blazon
     The Office layout on Assaults By Land And Space            Modified by Marc Grossman using an internet-found office layout using Photoshop
     The Armored Bear picture on The Cost of Emkir's Ass            Created in the following steps            Marc Grossman provided example pictures of bears as a base image                 Mary Jo Candeletti created the armored bear from those examples of natural bears                 The selected bear was cut from the forested setting was placed in a starship passage                      using Photoshop
     The Smuggler's bay schematic on Left Turns Becoming Fights            Created by Marc Grossman in Adobe Photoshop
     The image representing jump entry on More Fun Then you Can Shake A Station At            copied from this web site
     The image showing the paths from D'Ganzio to Goethe on                More Fun Then you Can Shake A Station At            were created from a base image taken from The Traveller Map            That image was updated for 1115 data by Marc Grossman using Photoshop            The resulting map was then highlighted with the path using Photoshop
     The image showing the mobile starport on More Fun Then you Can Shake A Station At            was modified from a base image taken from This Dark Matter Art website
           Marc Grossman removed the watermark using Photoshop
     The image of the D'Ganzio starport on Strange Friends And Even Stranger Enemies
           Marc Grossman modified base images taken from:                 This website and This website            And a planetscape snapped from This website (Because the D'Ganzio system has a red star )
     The image showing the proposed affects of annexation on From The Jaws Of Progress            was created entirly by Marc Grossman in Adobe Photoshop, based on the map            provided with GDW's MegaTravller box set.      The same is true of the image showing the region of the Dekalb and Thanber systems,            lower down on that page.
     The image of the IMS Kugar Akemudir on Drop Offs And Boardings
           The ship image was created in photoshop by Marc Grossman, using items from too                 many websites to list here.  The essential process was to grab a cylindrical                 UFO art piece as the "visual form" to carve up, alter and redress.            At the request of the player, the jacket image was created in photoshop by Marc                 Grossman, using the image from the site: here.
     The Map of the Sword Worlds and Border worlds on Advancing On Accusations
           The base map came from the Traveller Map            Changes to border and other markings were then done by Marc Grossman in            Adobe Photoshop.      The patch for the 4518th Duke's Own Huscarles Lift Regiment was copied from this website            and the background altered to black in photoshop by Marc Grossman.      The image of the Rampart Fighter was posted to Facebook by the artist, Ian Stead, and            the background altered to black in photoshop by Marc Grossman.
     The Decoration images on the various Character pages:
           Most of the decorations were created by Anthony Suorez, and I copied his PDF from                 the Traveller RPG Facebook group. I created the Silver Asteroid in Photoshop, based                 on Mr. Suorez's work as he did not have that decoration and ribbon in his original work.
     The attacking warbot image was added to History page 31:
           Left Turns Becoming Fights.  It was taken from GDW Book 8: Robots.      The image of Zimzod firing was added to History page 31:            Left Turns Becoming Fights was created image from many sources by Marc Grossman.      The song "You're Gonna Die" on History page 127: "Rebirth And Near-Death" has            lyrics by Marc Grossman and is sung to the tune "Stayin' Alive" by Andy Gibb(Bee Gees).      The image "Lanth Void" on History page 129: "New Adventures In Learning" was copied                 from a map image of the Spinward Marches created by Marc Grossman      The image "Regina Sky" on History page 129: "New Adventures In Learning" was created                 from an image in the Traveller RPG group on Facebook and an image captured off                 an African safari tour website which Marc Grossman re-engineered in Photoshop      The planetary images on the following list of History pages were taken from a post on Facebook                 and the artists are multiple:                     "Arrival in Porozlo"                     "Transferring the Knights To the Dawnstar Horizon"                     "The Destroyer Mission"                     "Leaving Porozlo"                     "Survival in the Regina System"                     "Arrival in the Risek System"                     "Thirteen Unlucky Hours"                     "Following the Leads"                     "Meanwhile, Elsewhere..."                     "More of the Strange"                     "Objects in Motion"                     "A Cure!"                     "A Real Cure And A False End"                     "Not Quite Out Of The System Yet"                     "A Day on Risek's Docks"                     "Waiting To Leave"                     "Paying The Bills And Out"                     "Arrivals, Invitations and a Field Trip"                     "A Visit and an Offer"                     "Getting Into Town And Trouble"                     "Fines, Judgements And Measures"                     "Learning to Ride and Drink"                     "Caravans, Nomads And Flying Tents"                     "Negotiations with Guns and Words"                     "Deals and Damages In Runips"                     "Parties, Parting and Preparing To Leave"                     "Leaving Jae Tellona"                     "Advancing On Accusations"                     "Searching From The Shadows"                     "Clawing Out Of The Dark"                     "The Difference Of A Couple Of Days"                     "Wounds Healed And Shots Fired"                     "Rebirth And Near-Death"                     "New Adventures In Learning"      The image of a blasted Far trader on History page 4: "The Enlightened Measure" was                 created from an image posted by Michael Siverling, who didn't know the artist, a "Far                 Trader" image from this web page and the Porozlo image from a facebook post.                 The final image was created from these elements in photoshop by Marc Grossman      The image of a blasted Far trader on History page 4: "The Enlightened Measure" was                 created from a NASA Cassini image and a Targeting Reticule image harvested                 from the internet The final image was created from these elements in photoshop.                  by Marc Grossman      The image of a forested city on History page 1: "In a Previous Life" was posted on                 Facebook Dan R. Stevenson.  I have no data on the original artist.      The image of a Subsidised Liner leaving Regina on History page 1a: "An Interrupted Party"                 was created from an image of Regina posted on Facebook by Phil Norfleet (I have                 no data on the original artist) and the image of a Subsidised liner posted to "Citizens                 of the Imperium" by the user "Mithras".      The Deep Space image on History page 9: "Finding The Quasar Viper"                 was taken from this page      The "making repairs" image on History page 11: "Getting The Quasar Viper Operational"                 was taken from The Journal of the Traveller's Aid Society issue 15, Page 16      The Gileden system image on History page 12: "The Jump to the Gileden System"                 was taken from Facebook as posted by Phil Norfleet.      The Pirema and K'Kirka system images on History page 13: "The Path To Regina"                 were taken from Facebook as posted by Phil Norfleet.      The Rech system image on History page 14: "The Battle in the Rech System"                 was taken from Facebook as posted by Frederic Sapp.      The Yori system image on History page 17: "Passing Through The Yori System"                 was taken from Facebook as posted by Phil Norfleet.      The Inthe system image on History page 18: "Bad First Impressions In The Inthe System"                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, a                 NASA "Earth at night from Space" image and a station from this page.                 This image was also used on History page 19: "Ms. Vik's New Job and Date"                 And History page 20: "Day Two On Inthe"      The Resten system image on History page 110: "Hardened Spacers And World Savers"                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using an image from this page as a base.                 I added a station from this page and a Donosov Scout Criuser from This page      The Lunion system image on History page 110: "Hardened Spacers And World Savers"                 wasmodified in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using an image from this page as a base.                 I added a modified spire using the image found here      Using Corel's Paintshop Pro 2018, I have updated the image of Aiden Radetsky on:                 "The Crew" and "Scout Commander Sir Aiden Radetsky" using Corel Paintshop                 Pro 2018.  This was done starting wiht the original image created by Bradley Warnes.                 From there, I searched for images of the Snub Pistol and LAG on the web and used                 Corel's Paintshop Pro 2018 to create an IISS Belt buckle as described in Paronia                 Press' "Scouts and Assassins".      I have created the deck plans for the IMS "Coronal Flare" on The End Of This Ride                 Also on The End Of This Ride I have used the images for the "Wind Class                      Strike Carrier from GDW's Supplement 09 - Fighting Ships      I copied the image on Dealing With A Fixer-Upper from one of a number of websites                 covering ship wrecks.  The desolate passage just seemed "right".      The Ghandi World image on History page 122: Exit Unlocked! was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA                 Exoplanet image.      The Shipyard on History page 135: Things Put Together And Taken Apart"                 was created from various images.                 the initial shipyard image came from this page.                 I also grabbed a Sydkai from this page.                 And a Gazelle from this page, which I then "distorted".                 Then, I scaled and added my own created image of the Upgrade      The images of the Ebokin and Llellewyloly on History page 136: "Risk And Risqué"                 was copied from the GDW product: "The Traveller Book"      The starport image on History page 136: "Consequences And Casual Violence" and          History page 138: Botching The Job were copied from this website.      The image or the Starburst For Extreme Heroism on the Rol's Character detail page                 is based on the official image from FFE (Owners of all Traveller game rights),                 sent to me on 26 March 2019.  I then created the image using an image editor.      The image of the Wypoc system on History page 141: "Deals And Leads"                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, a                 NASA "Earth at night from Space" image and a station from this page.      The image of the Hunter-Class ship image on History page 141: "Deals And Leads"                 was created by Ian Stead, and posted by him on Facebook.      The image of the Wypoc system on History page 142: " Dropping A Rock! "                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, a                 NASA "Earth at night from Space" image and a station from this page.      The various images of the Prospector and Prospector-based images were based on                 images created and posted in the Facebook Traveller RPG group by Ade Stewart,                 and modified by Marc Grossman using PaintShop Pro.      The image of the Dinomn system on History page 143: " Pranks, Passage and Potential "                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, a                 NASA "Earth at night from Space" image and a station from this page.      The Penthouse come from the FASA product: ACS-5 - Starport Module 1 - Hotel Complex      The map segment image of the Federation of Arden on History page                 147: " Straight Plans And Strange Bedfellows " was created in Photoshop                 by Marc Grossman from exiting art by Marc Grossman based on the                 Spinward Marches Sector Map from GDW Inc.      The Unit Insignia on History page 148: " Changes In Direction" were created                 in Photoshop by Marc Grossman from art items captured from multiple websites or                 created in Corel Paintshop.      The planetary image on the page was created from NASA Exoplanet images in Corel                 Paintshop by Marc Grossman.      The starship image on the page was modified by Marc Grossman from an image posted on                 Pintrest by "TurboSquid" and should be visible here      The image of the Personal Re-Entry Kit image was taken from the Journal of the Traveller's                 Aid Society Issue 11, printed by GDW.      The image of the Llellewyloly was taken from this page of the Traveller Wiki      The urban street image of Atora city on History page 151: " Next World, New Shadows "                 was taken from this web page by Maxim Revin      The image was then modified to add in flying traffic using Corel Paintshop.      The image of the Suite floorplan on History page 151: " Next World, New Shadows "was                 created using Corel Paintshop by Marc Grossman.      The image of the Tigress-Class Dreadnaught on History page 152: " Passing Opportunities "                 was posted by an Anonymous user on " This Site.      The image of the PMGP-13 on History page 152: " Passing Opportunities" was taken from                 a Facebook post by William Byrd and lightened by Marc Grossman .      The Regina system image on History page 153: "A Short Field Trip"                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, a                 NASA "Earth at night from Space" image      The image of the Marquis' Palace on History page 153: "A Short Field Trip"                 was posted by an JaeCheol Park on " This Site.      The images of the mining station and passages on History page 153: " "A Short Field Trip"                 were taken from the SkyRig created by Mark Lucas      The Regina system image on History page 154: "New Friends And New Fights"                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, a                 NASA "Earth at night from Space" image      The Regina system image on History page 155: "Risks And Divided Outcomes"                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, a                 NASA "Earth at night from Space" image      The image of the Combat Knife on History page 155: "Risks And Divided Outcomes"                 were found with a generic web search on a sales site.      The image of the T Class Patrol Cruiser on History page 155: "Risks And Divided Outcomes"                 was taken from the site here and modified by Marc Grossman in Paintshop.      The image of blade Sir Zimzod bought on History page 155: "Risks And Divided Outcomes"                 were created from an image of a real-world blade in the ownership of Zimzod's                 Player which was then modified by Marc Grossman in Paintshop.      The image of the parkbay and tube on History page 155: "Risks And Divided Outcomes"                 was first taken from this site, and then modified by Marc Grossman in Paintshop.      The image of the passage and ris valve on History page 155: "Risks And Divided Outcomes"                 was created using multiple images by Marc Grossman in Paintshop.      The Regina system image on History page 156: "Foolish Actions And Questionable Rewards"                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, a                 NASA "Earth at night from Space" image      The Coin shop schematics on History page 156: "Foolish Actions And Questionable Rewards"                 were created by Marc Grossman using Corel Paintshop.      The Commemorative coins on History page 156: "Foolish Actions And Questionable Rewards"                 were taken from the GDW magazine "Journal of the Traveller's Aid Society" issue 9.      The Image of the estate on History page 156: "Foolish Actions And Questionable Rewards"                 were taken from web pages showing abandoned mansions and modified by                 Marc Grossman using Corel Paintshop.      The Regina system image on History page 157: "Revenge And Reflection"                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, a                 NASA "Earth at night from Space" image      The Mansion schematics on History page 157: "Revenge And Reflection"                 were created by Marc Grossman using Corel Paintshop.      The Image of the estate on History page 157: "Revenge And Reflection"                 were taken from web pages showing abandoned mansions and modified by                 Marc Grossman using Corel Paintshop.      The Regina system image on History page 158: "Secrets, Sales And Surprises"                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, a                 NASA "Earth at night from Space" image      The Red/Blue motief images of a jumper using an atmospheric re-entry kit on History                 page 158: "Secrets, Sales And Surprises" is part of the cover art for the MegaTraveller                 Journal #3 and was created by Blair Reynolds.      The White/Black/orange motief images of a jumper using an atmospheric re-entry kit on                 History page 158: "Secrets, Sales And Surprises" is art for the article about Personal                 Re-Entry Kits in JTAS Issue #11 and was created by David R. Deitrick      The image of the damaged freighter on History page 158: "Secrets, Sales And Surprises"                 was created from the image of a Borazio class Heavy Freighter from this webste                 and edited Marc Grossman using Corel Paintshop.      The Regina system image on History page 159: "Optimism And Fact"                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, a                 NASA "Earth at night from Space" image      The image of Prince Lucan on History page 159: "Optimism And Fact"                 came from the adventure "Eve of Rebellion"(March Harrier Publishing) and                 was drawn by Boyd L. Stone      The image of the "INS Staupers" on History page 159: "Optimism And Fact"                 came from the source book: "Ships of Clement Sector 15 Milligan class                 Hospital Ship"(Independance Games) and was drawn by Ian Stead      The blade image on History page 159: "Optimism And Fact"                 was created by Marc Grossman using multple catolog images from the internet.      The image of the Data Goggles on History page 159: "Optimism And Fact"                 was created by Marc Grossman using multple catolog images from the internet.      The Regina system image on History page 160: "Good Deeds And Punishments"                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, a                 NASA "Earth at night from Space" image      The Trepida and Asterin images on History page 160: "Good Deeds And Punishments"                 were copied from this web site and modified by Marc Grossman using                 Corel PaintShop      The Regina system image on History page 161: "Plans, Preparation and Departure"                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, a                 NASA "Earth at night from Space" image      The Extolay system image on History page 162: "Karens Everywhere You Look"                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, a                 NASA "Earth at night from Space" image      The Extolay Downport image on History page 162: "Karens Everywhere You Look"                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using images from this site .      The Extolay system image on History page 163: "The Wages Of Singe"                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, a                 NASA "Earth at night from Space" image      The Tremous Dex system image on History page 163: "The Wages Of Singe"                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, and                 other images from the web.      The images showing a box of spheres image on History page 163: "The Wages Of Singe"                 was created using Paintshop by Marc Grossman using images from the web.      The Tremous Dex system image on History page 164: "From The Frying Pan"                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, and                 other images from the web.      The images showing the passage aboard the ship on History page 164: "From The Frying Pan"                 was cut and pasted from the deckplans done by Marc Grossman.      The Tremous Dex system image on History page 165: "A Month-Long Afternoon"                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, and                 other images from the web.      The images showing the seating on the cutter on History page 165: "A Month-Long Afternoon"                 was cut and pasted from the deckplans done by Marc Grossman.      The Tremous Dex system image on History page 166: "Loot And Losses"                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, and                 other images from the web.      The Tremous Dex system image on History page 167: "Verbal Fencing And Cultural Anthropology"                 was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image,                 and other images from the web.      The robot image on History page 167: "Verbal Fencing And Cultural Anthropology"                 were copied from the DGP product "101 Robots", page 16.      The cutter deckplans image on History page 167: "Verbal Fencing And Cultural Anthropology"                 were copied from earlier deckplans created for the Hotel California, used                 earlier in this campaign.      The image of the liner in flames on History page 167: "Verbal Fencing And Cultural Anthropology"                 were created from a base image of the King Richard product: "ISCV-King Richard"                 produced by FASA.  Marc Grossman added in the flaming bits using Photoshop.      The cut-away of liner decks on History page 167: "Verbal Fencing And Cultural Anthropology"                 came from the King Richard product: "ISCV-King Richard" produced by FASA.                 They were cleaned up by Marc Grossman using Photoshop.      The Equus system image on History page 100: "The Music Changes, The Dance Goes On"                 History page 101: "Morning's Light, Explosions Bright" , History page 102: "Assaults By Land And Space"                 History page 103: "Missions And Reunions" , History page 104: "Sharing Deals And Distractions"                 History page 105: "From One Ride To Another" , History page 106: "Killing The Deal"                 History page 108: "Cleaning Up And Moving On" were created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman                 using a NASA Exoplanet image, and other images from the web.      The images showing the Sohturn Behemouth on History page 107: "The Cost Of Emkir's Ass"                 was copied from the Classic Traveller Adventure 4 Leviathan and altered by Marc                 Grossman, using photoshop.      The Jumpspace image on History page 168: "New Puzzles And Uncertain Allies"                 was copied from this web site      The Arden system image on History page 168: "New Puzzles And Uncertain Allies"         was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman                 using a NASA Exoplanet image, and other images from the web.      The parkbay image on History page 168: "New Puzzles And Uncertain Allies" was altered by Marc Grossman using                 Photoshop, from parkbay images in the article "Happy Landings: Starport Design in Traveller" in White Dwarf 43                 by Thomas M. Price.      The city image on History page 168: "New Puzzles And Uncertain Allies" was modified by Marc Grossman from                 an image located here.      The Arden system image on History page 171: "Desperate Plans And Executions" was created in Photoshop                 by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, and other images from the web.      The Arden system image on History page 171: "Desperate Plans And Executions" was created in Photoshop                 by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, and other images from the web.      The Shaplu Eguuan Corrections Center map on History page 171: "Desperate Plans And Executions" were created from images                 on from various website, and the sub-images were created, using photoshop by Marc Grossman.      The Embassy Second Floor map was created using photopshop by Marc Grossman      The Arden system image on History page 172: "Surprises, Escapes And Endings" was created in Photoshop                 by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image, and other images from the web.      The Embassy layout cutaway on History page 172: "Surprises, Escapes And Endings" was created in Photoshop                 by Marc Grossman.      The Embassy floorplans on History page 172: "Surprises, Escapes And Endings" was created in Photoshop                 by Marc Grossman.      The Stairway cutaway on History page 172: "Surprises, Escapes And Endings" was created in Photoshop                 by Marc Grossman.      The Denotam system image on History page 172: "Surprises, Escapes And Endings" was created in Photoshop                 by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image and Atlantic Class and Tigress class ships found on the web.      The Denotam system image on History page 173: "Complications From High And Low" was created in Photoshop                 by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image and Atlantic Class and Tigress class ships found on the web.      The Sonthert solar system diagram on History page 173: "Complications From High And Low" was created by hand in Photoshop                 by Marc Grossman using tools in that application and three NASA Exoplanet images.      The Standard Engieering 'Droid image on History page 173: "Complications From High And Low" was taken an image of a repair                 drone on page 212 of the Mongoose Traveller 2e Robot Handbook, which had the wrong color scheme for the SED.                 The color scheme was shown on page 167 of that book, and Marc Grossman re-colorized the image with Photoshop.      The Denotam system image on History page 174: "Drinks And Secrets On Ice" was created in Photoshop                 by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image and Atlantic Class and Tigress class ships found on the web.      The novelty label image on History page 174: "Drinks And Secrets On Ice" was created by Marc Grossman using an online                 generator on the web.      The Denotam system image on History page 175: "Changing Plans And Faces" was created in Photoshop                 by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image and Atlantic Class and Tigress class ships found on the web.      The Scout Banner image on History page 175: "Changing Plans And Faces"                 was created by Marc Grossman using a image found here on the Traveller Wiki.      The Denotam system image on History page 176: "Politics And Pleasantries" was created in Photoshop                 by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image and Atlantic Class and Tigress class ships found on the web.      The Grav Bike image on History page 176: "Politics And Pleasantries" is an image from this page .      The Grav APC image on History page 176: "Politics And Pleasantries" was from the book Yiarn Vehicle Catalog(Pg.42), sold                 by Quiklink Interactive for their Traveller 20 line.      The political map image on History page 176: "Politics And Pleasantries" was made by hand by Marc Grossman, using MS Paint                 and Photoshop.      The Denotam system image on History page 177: "Pieces On The Board" was created in Photoshop                 by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image and Atlantic Class and Tigress class ships found on the web.      The image for "Kennoth" was taken from this web page      The image for the "Holographic Bounty" image came from this web page      The Denotam system image on History page 178: Threading Needles And telling Tales was created in Photoshop                 by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image.      The parkbay image on History page 178: Threading Needles And telling Tales was modified from an image on this web page      The Hopper image on History page 178: Threading Needles And telling Tales was modified from an image in the book "Aircraft, Vol 2", by                 Colin Dunn via "Northern Edge" for Mongoose 2      The image of the Grand Eastern Troop Transport on History page 178: Threading Needles And telling Tales was captured from the GDW                 book "Suppliment 9: Fighting ships"      The image of the Tarawa Class infantry carrier transport ship on History page 178: Threading Needles And telling Tales was captured from                 the web and modified by Marc Grossman using Photoshop      The Denotam system image on History page 179: Changing Guides And Goals was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using                 a NASA Exoplanet image.      The restaurant image on History page 179: Changing Guides And Goals was cresated by Marc Grossman using Photoshop.      The Erskin Map image on History page 179: Changing Guides And Goals was created by Marc Grossman using a standardized GDW                 Planetary map hex grid.      A new and more accurate picture of Mikah was posted onto the Crew page and Mikah's Character detail page .  This was created by                 Marc Grossman using Imagine.art AI and Photoshop.      The Denotam system image on History page 180: Dipping A Toe-Tip Into Acid was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using                 a NASA Exoplanet image.      The map, and smaller map images on History page 180: Dipping A Toe-Tip Into Acid were created based on an uncredited image from                 the web and modified by Marc Grossman using Microsoft Paint.      The leaf image on History page 180: Ending With A Bang was also created from an uncredited image on the web, modified                 using Photoshop.      The Denotam system image on History page 181: Ending With A Bang was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using                 a NASA Exoplanet image.      The various building map images on History page 181: Ending With A Bang were created entierly using Microsft Paint by Marc Grossman.      The Denotam system image on History page 182: The Calm Before Court was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using                 a NASA Exoplanet image.      The Ninja Medical kit on History page 182: The Calm Before Court were created by Marc Grossman using an online AI generator and Photoshop.      The Denotam system image on History page 183: Parties, Bombs And A Puzzle was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using                 a NASA Exoplanet image.      The map of the village of Apkope on History page 183: Parties, Bombs And A Puzzle was created by Marc Grossman using online real world map & MS Paint.      The images of the madular cutter on History page 183: Parties, Bombs And A Puzzle was copied from this website.      The Denotam system image on History page 184: Questions, Answers And Decisions was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using                 a NASA Exoplanet image.      The image of Katja Rigg on History page 184: Questions, Answers And Decisions was taken from a PDF offered up by Craig Oliver, in Traveller                 based social media.      The image of the Sloan Class Fleet Escort on History page 184: Questions, Answers And Decisions was taken from Challenge 25, and                 was drawn by William H. Keith, Jr.      The Denotam system image on History page 185: Recovery And Reorganization was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using                 a NASA Exoplanet image.      The Denotam system image on History page 186: Fun With New Toys And Embezzlement was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using                 a NASA Exoplanet image.      The Standard Engieering 'Droid image on History page 186: Fun With New Toys And Embezzlement" was taken an image of a repair                 drone on page 212 of the Mongoose Traveller 2e Robot Handbook, which had the wrong color scheme for the SED.                 The color scheme was shown on page 167 of that book, and Marc Grossman re-colorized the image with Photoshop.      The Denotam system image on History page 187: Two Minutes Of Blood, Horror, Comedy And Death was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman                 using a NASA Exoplanet image.      Various maze images on History page 187: Two Minutes Of Blood, Horror, Comedy And Death were created by Marc Grossman using MS Paint, MS                 Snipping Tool capturing images from a maze created in Photoshop      The Denotam system image on History page 188: Rushing To An Anticlimax was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using                 a NASA Exoplanet image.      The Denotam system image on History page 189: Shooting, Shopping And Surprises was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman                 using a NASA Exoplanet image.      The image of the Rumen on History page 189: Shooting, Shopping And Surprises was copied from page 28 of Mongoose                 Publishing's "Adventure Class Ships"      The deckplan image of the Rumen on History page 189: Shooting, Shopping And Surprises was copied from page 28 of Mongoose Publishing's "Adventure                 Class Ships", and modified by Marc Grossman using Photoshop.      The image of the suggested ambush space on History page 189: Shooting, Shopping And Surprises was created by Marc Grossman using Photoshop,                 based on images taken from page 28 of Mongoose Publishing's "Adventure Class Ships"      The "Mad max" style shotgun holster on History page 189: Shooting, Shopping And Surprises was copied from this website      The Denotam system image on History page 190: Finding Allies And Making Enemies was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman                 using a NASA Exoplanet image.      The image of the Dueling Android on History page 190: Finding Allies And Making Enemies created by copying the image on this Video Clip, and altering                 it in photoshop.      The image of the Bannor of Dhian on History page 190: Finding Allies And Making Enemies was created entirely by Marc Grossman using Photoshop.      The image of the Wind Temple on History page 190: Finding Allies And Making Enemies was copied from a web page I had found but can't relocate                 while searching for free art.      The image of the Banded Columns on History page 190: Finding Allies And Making Enemies was copied from this web page.      The image of the Caverns on History page 190: Finding Allies And Making Enemies was copied from this web page.      The Denotam World image on History page 191: Near The Slog's End was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA Exoplanet image.      The image of the "Flaming Pillars Wonder" on History page 191: Near The Slog's End was copied from this web page which I can no longer find.      The image of the Standard Engineering Android: SED Near The Slog's End was taken an image of a repair                 drone on page 212 of the Mongoose Traveller 2e Robot Handbook, which had the wrong color scheme for the SED.                 The color scheme was shown on page 167 of that book, and Marc Grossman re-colorized the image with Photoshop.      The Denotam World image on History page 192: Moving Through And Into Transitions was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA                 Exoplanet image.      The image of the Map Segment showing the Checkpoint Station loation on History page 192: Moving Through And Into Transitions was created by                 Marc Grossman by augmenting an existing image he created using the poster maker from travellermap.com.      The image of the Map Segment showing the Checkpoint Station loation on History page 192: Moving Through And Into Transitions was created by                 Marc Grossman by augmenting an existing image he created using the poster maker from travellermap.com      The Denotam World image on History page 193: Exit Unlocked! was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA                 Exoplanet image.      The Ghandi World image on History page 193: Exit Unlocked! was created in Photoshop by Marc Grossman using a NASA                 Exoplanet image.      The Hotel floorplan image on History page 193: Exit Unlocked! was created using the AI website                 IMG2GO, used by Marc Grossman.
Thank you to all those who have or will contribute to this site!      Marc Grossman