Welcome to the website supporting my on-going monthly Face to Face monthly         Traveller game.  What you will find on these pages are the graphics, write         ups and supporting data for a "once a month" game which has been on going         at our home since 2007.
The most recent After Action Report can be found here:          " Exit Unlocked! "                   (November 2024 Session) See below for more
     Click on the links below to expand the After Action Report list for that part of         the history.  Once open, you will see a list of web pages that were part of that          story arc as well as a brief list of events that report contains.
This includes Events from an earlier Traveller campaign that serve as the foundation of this campaign
"In A Previous Life        Stranded at the end of the Fifth Frontier War on Emerald        The Mission to the Hrunting system        Getting Knighted and flying off into the starlight
"An Interrupted Party        Kidnapped leaving the Inthe System        A detour fighting terrorists        Waking on and attacking the Equus
- This includes:
" Arrival in Porozlo System        Capturing the Knights        Crewing the Dawnstar Horizon        The Reporter        The launch and discussing the mission        Talking to the Captain of the Equus        Setting a plan and doing the research
"The Transfer        Docking with the Equus        Transferring the Knights        Meeting the Knights        Departing the Equus
"The Enlightened Measure        The signal GQ from the Enlightened Measure        Abandoning the Enlightened Measure        Stealing the handcomp and landing in Stepozhevac
"The Destroyer Mission        The investigation dirtside        The contract offer        A security breach
"A Week In Stepozhevac        Meeting Mr. Mattin        The job and the training        Brian hacks the stolen handcomp
"Leaving Porozlo        Leaving Stepozhevac for a tense refitting        Zimzod's arrogance and The Marquis        A chat with the Marquis        A last message before jump        Shipboard life in jump        The first eight hours search
- This includes:
"Finding the INS Quasar Viper"        Spreading the word about the handcomp        Pumping the Councilor for information        Sir Brian's pranks and book collection        The near mutiny before Aiden got a sensor hit
"Unexpected Visitors"        Docking with the Viper and the early discoveries        Arrival of Far Trader IMS Kard Damasc, Lady Katherine hault-Evers' ship        Finding a defense and other things        Finally powering up and Killing the albatross
"Getting The Viper Operational"        Cleaning up and getting working        Cataloging the loot and booty        Doing the best they could before making a plan and moving on
- This includes:
"Jump To the Gileden System"        Preparing to move the Viper        Dawson's Christian        An easy jump and some SDB's        Setting up for the next jump
""The Path To Regina"        Jumping to and resetting in the Pirema System        The Misjump of the IMS Raining Coins        Jump to and arrival in the K'kirka system        Taking Mr. Wood aboard        Jump to the Rech system and the cruiser!
"Battle In The Rech System"        Debriefing aboard the cruiser        Forming the Flotilla        A word from the local authorities        The Battle of Rech        Victory and Four Days Repair
"Survival in the Regina System"        The cruiser INS Tamesha Kargaa arrives in the Regina system        Ryddoth comes clean during day one of the review        Day two for the Knights as the others sightsee and shop        Greeting the Duke of Vilis, Zimzod meets Baron Colonel Sir Rhanii Tanshil        The crew are freed on day three, are loaned a ship and introduced to Rol        Day four fitting out the new ship and shopping        The last two days prep, "help" codes and a last minute buy
"The Tale of the Quasar Viper"        The Known history of the Quasar Viper        The data the crew of the Dawnstar Horizon recovered        Standard deckplans for a Fer d'Lance and damage schematics
- This includes:
"Passing Through The Yori System"        A quick jump and bum fuel purifier        A surprise fleet        Rumors about Imperial Research Station B        Shopping and drinking on Yori        A close call with a Plankwell while out-bound
- This includes:
"Bad First Impressions in Inthe"        The Jump from Yori        Arriving, Calling the Marquis and going to meetings        Rol big walk nearly gets in trouble        Mikah covers Zach's port fees        Aiden and Emkir's trip to the evening news        Mikah and Zimzod's meeting goes down hill
"Ms. Vik's Job and Date"        Ms. Vik meets Assistant Administrator Vougazgi        Ms. Vik tours the port and meets Executive Director Niebel        Ms. Vik accepts a job from Director Niebel and date with Vougazgi        The crew electronically followed Ms. Vik on her date        Ms. Vik plays a drinking game and returns to the ship        Sir Brian's last minute prank
"Day Two on Inthe"        Aiden and Emkir's fight hit the news as Ms. Vik started her job        Zach haunts the market as Rol and Brian map for black markets        Mikah and Zimzod's secret meeting was leaked to the press        Ms. Vik learns the Executive Director knows of Vougazgi's activities        Mikah and Zimzod get a data from the police        Mikah and Zimzod meet the Mayor, Marquis and the President of Inthe        Ms. Vik got helpful leads from Security Administrator Wyss        Mikah gets a deal to for weapons permit and a car        A crew dinner meeting to share what was learned        Emkir and Rol hit a casino as Mikah worked out the Vargr drug recipe
"Before The Party On The Third Day"        Zimzod and Mikah'd prank on Brian becomes a fight        Due to press coverage, the Knights plan a party to lure suspects        Mikah called IRIS for help but they could not provide anything        The crew were certified to carry arms on Republican soil        Brian reveals his battledress immobilizer        They shopped for dresses, electronics, Zimzod and did some clubbing        Rol returned to the port during a shootout between security and vargr        Ms. Vik invited Vougazgi to the Knights party and he visited the ship        Aiden stayed with the ship        Rol went on site as advance security        As Emkir flew them to the party, he found the cutter's chameleon hull        The Knights suggested to Vougazgi they wanted to smuggle arms        The Knight's party was a mad house
"Day Three on Inthe The Party and The Morning After"        At the party, female reporters bought Zach drinks to get him drunk        After a fight, Mr. Vougazgi disappeared without any clues        Vargr gang boss Oghznul Khoraz of the Gzaks checked out the party        Zimzod found Zach asleep and stole his gauss pistol        After the party, they went to sleep or to a gym to burn off stims        The next day, Ms. Vik started looking for Vougazgi        A news story said Lady hault-Evers' ship was declared missing        In a prank, Mikah dyed Brian blue
"Day Four: From One Kind Of Party To Another"        They met with security master Wyss at the club about Vougazgi        They learned two bouncers left their post to get with two girls        Rol's interrogation showed some other bouncers were stealing from drunks        Get club security vid copies - Wyss offered his friend's help        At Jefferds', they proved Vougazgi was kidnapped, and raised alarms        Jefferds and Wyss invited them to a 'party'(combat) that night        Using the air-raft and cutter, they met at Jefferds' and got ready        They rode an armored car to a warehouse before the attack
"The Overnight Battles"        The Sorrngerzrose beat the Ksuenorra before the crew attacked        Zimzod and Wyss were shot, the armored car decoyed the police        Wyss' doctor was called, Jefferds and Zach went to get the air-raft        As Mikah treated Zimzod and Wyss, Emkir answered a job offer        Zach returned to find intruders in the ship's berth and there was shooting        A reporter was caught and her son killed in the shooting        Doctor Samuleson arrived so Mikah could sleep        Rol's alarm went off as a prank        Rol blamed Brian woke him saying there was a fire        Brian raised alarms and forced an evacuation and port response        Port responders saw the wounded Wyss and reported that        Brian proved the alarms were Aiden's fault and he and Rol were punished        Ms. Vik was dressed down by the Director        The Director revealed he knew more than they thought
"The Day After the Circus"        They slept, researched or guarded the prisoners after the circus        Rol questioned prisoners while Ms. Vik dealt with the port        The prisoners knew nothing, and the port moved the ship to a VIP berth        Mikah got involved in issues between the Mayor and Police Cheif        Emkir was tested by a gang (proved he'd kill for hire)        Emkir was then taken to torture Vougazgi for information!        Emkir had to shoot Vougazgi's leg before he got his comms on        The Crew, Police and Port rescued Emkir and Vougazgi        The crew got the party pay and rewards as Vougazgi spilled his guts
"The Aftermath and Leaving the Inthe System"        Thursday ended with invesigations, arrests, statements and sleep        Brian discovered Rol's past in the Jesedipere system        Brian restarted the ship's power and computer        Zach tried to get a cargo        A search was mounted for Lady hault-Evers' over-due ship        They spent an evening at a casino that ended in fiasco        Zach tried to contract an illegal cargo but Ms. Vik stopped him        The ship lifted and they left the Inthe system
- This includes:
"Arrival in the Risek System"        In-jump, the crew continued to learn about each other        Rol told them about Jesedipere and his accused war crimes        At Risek, the destroyer INS Hounds' Fang sent them in-system        They learned the system was quaranteened due to a plague        Heading to station 371, they heard as SuSAG killed refugees
"Thirteen Unlucky Hours"        Mikah's team boarded the infected station        Inger's team looked for data and Brian designed a decontam system        Mikah's team found med-specialists and looked for engineers        They found a dispenser in an agro-dome and the dispenser makers        They learned the "suspects" bought 10 dispensers        Another device, in the Tarallo Alliance activated on the INS Aku Iikhi        Zimzod and Zach captured suspect: Genzar/Sipos
"Following The Leads"        Brian looked for permission to build his decontam station        The crew of the Aku Iikhi were killed        Zimzod handed Sipos to the marines after "questioning"        The Navy moved Aku Iikhi to SDB Bay 210        Marines said Sipos' partner was Anna Zebrinkt        Video showed Zebrinkt escaped on the IMS Maku Keeruu        Bio-samples taken from Genzar/Sipos gave the researchers no answers
"Left Turns Becoming Fights"        Brian asked Emkir for help with the station officers        Mikah's Doctors got more help but found nothing        Mikah's team explored before a station of the Havel nation was hit        Zimzod and Zach learned Zebrinkt had a smuggler connection        Mikah's team were attacked by a warbot in the smuggler bay
"Meanwhile, Elsewhere...."        After the warbot battle, they helped and checked the bay        Rol got a list of 20 ships with "near-bay" flight paths        Mikah called for her gear to be delivered by Aiden and Brian        Inger looked for info on the smuggler        As Inger went to the SPA Port, a ship of Cultists arrived "for Emkir"        Mikah hunted SuSag for plague data and visited SuSAG facilities        Ms. Vik met Director Wortman, learned of smuggler Shaslu Kishman
"More Of The Strange..."        Tue, 164-1112: Checking SuSAG sites was a bust        The doctors worked with the team in Naval bay 210        Brian hired Ealal Seewa to build his decontam station        Forensics said the warbot had a Zhodani part        Emkir's cultists had a ship chartered by Baron hault-Landiir        Wednesday 165-1112: The Imperial 212th Fleet arrived late at night        Inger told Mikah of Kishman as Aiden tried to get the ship refuelled        Brian worked on the ship's engines        Kristianson asked Mikah to check on Alexi Anarthon        Kristianson learned they worked for Norris        At Anarthon's place they found KCr 27 in chips and Zhodani files        They were met there by naval intel
"Objects in Motion"        Rol checked on Anarthon's election and more SuSAG searches got nothing        Mikah's team returned to Kishman's bay using bribery to steal goods        Inger ID'd the IMS Scarlet Tree as Kishman's ship        Rol found Anarthon's election was helped by Irderi Geamga
"A Cure!"        They found a virus caused the disease        Kristianson arrested "Emkir's People" and sent their ship home        Inger helped the Skipping Stone while hunting blackmarket data        Doctors in the Podesta lab confirmed a cure        Zach and Zimzod looted Irderi Geamga's home
"A Real Cure But a False End"        Zimzod and Zach called a tech to hack Geamga's computer        Mikah told the Navy about the cure and a hospital ship was sent in        Inger spread cure data looking for black market contacts        Inger got the Skipping Stone cleared to leave        Inger got part of the Stone's cargo in payment        Ealal Seewa said he'd build a prototype for Brian in five days        Zimzod and Mikah called Zach and filed their Navy reports        Mikah ordered the ship's fuel purification plant fixed        Brian opened the fuel plant as the ship got permission to leave        The Podesti police boarded the cutter on a tip and took back the loot        On station 371, did some drinking, planned to visit the port and scout base
"Not Quite Out of the System Yet"        Friday 167: Brian found a smuggler safe built in the fuel plant        Mikah planned to jump to Jae Tellona's main world        At the SPA port, after the scout base, they hired a tech to open the safe        The locksmith released a toxin and triggered a Station rescue        Sat-168: Inger met Baroness Wortman to talk about her dock work
"A Day on Risek's Docks"        News of Sir Jeremy Lewis' book "Crossing The Line" probe        They voted to rename the ship the "Hotel California"        A Raina Aiudi bought the ATV for KCr 31 for the "Aga-Pito"        Rol caught a pickpocket, Mikah bought a "stunning" black gown
"Waiting To Leave"        Sat-168 ~7pm: Zimzod started and lost a bar fight        Sun-169 ~7am: Mikah and Inger met Dessie and the ship was renamed        Dessie called in her security chief to talk about the attacks and smuggler        They learned the cloud from the safe was a Zhodani Psi-Drug
"Paying The Bills And Out"        The crew relaxed and shopped and hit bars        Zach and Brian looked for Octagon society artifacts        Ms. Vik saw "Macbeth" and met the station's gem/mining display curator        Monday-170: Mikah set the launch time for noon for the two day flight        On Wednesday 172-1112 Just After Noon they jumped for Jae Tellona
- This includes:
"Arrivals, Invitations And Field Trips"        Wednesday-172, Just After Noon they jumped for Jae Tellona        Brian and Zach hired Emkir to try and translate the Risek glyphs        After an "Iron Chef" contest, Rol became the ship's cook        Tuesday-178: At Jae Tellona Countess Ursara invited them to Runips        Brian got his book on the civilian port        Ms. Vik learned the station master was a Bwap        They landed on Tues-178 at Runips downport near the Dulcinea        Visiting Dulcinea, Inger played the Knight's Seneschal
"A Visit and an Offer"        Tues-178: Countess Ursara offered a partnership finding the nomads        Ursara hated Duchess Delphine, and gave Mikah a 2ct Katarulu Emerald        They accepted the offer, Brian and Zach wanted to stay on the ship        Ms. Vik tried to get net-access from the port        Mikah and Zach planned to shop the next day
"Getting Into Town And Trouble"        Wed-179: The crew got local media but no network connections        With no help from the port, Ms. Vik got on line in town        Mikah and Zach found a bookstore with a display of nomad robes        They found a seamstress to sew robes but Zach got arrested
"Fines, Judgements And Measures"        Mikah got others to the seamstress' shop to be measured        Zach was questioned and put in a cell until the shop owner confessed        Mikah paid her ticket, got Zach and Ms. Vik and went back to the ship        Mikah told Ursara about the robes        Ursara suggested a class on riding the caravan beasts        Rol and Emkir set security cameras up
"Learning to Ride and to Drink"        Thurs-180: Mikah and Zimzod got "still" parts before the riding class        After a drinking party following the class, Zimzod passed out        Mikah dyed Zimzod red        Mikah traded a revolver from Quasar Viper for Trryghera's services        Fri-181: Mikah took Trryghera and Aiden to town to get the robes        Invitation from Baronette Daumsh Hault-Ulain in Tyruaron        After getting the robes, Mikah woke Zimzod, who realized he was red        They left south-west at 4pm then turned back east passing south of the city        Zimzod commanded the security and the caravan pushed on until 11pm        Zimzod set camp sentries and assigned shifts, Zach complained
"Caravans, Nomads and Flying Tents"        Zach fell asleep on watch        Sat-182: Mikah learned of Jonkeereen, They marched until a sandstorm hit        Zimzod tracked contacts who faded, Rol found a wood vouchsafe        Another nomad appeared and Zimzod's sensors got no el-int        The figure faded into the storm        Zach was point until reaching the the Nomad camp
"Negotiations with Guns and Words"        Sat-182 10pm: Zach was captured and the Countess tried to negociate        The nomads traded the vouch-safe for the caravan's goods and safety        Zimzod was given a plam-sized Tellona diamond        Sun-183 2 am: The caravan went back to Runips for the next few days        Tues-185: Zimzod fought nomads and was trapped in his damaged armor        They rode the six hours back to the port by 8am standard on the 184th day
"Deals and Damages In Runips"        Tues-185: Brian started closing opened systems        Mikah learned of the diamond        The stone was made of five joined stones and had an inclusion        They told Brian about the gem and he freed a datachip(the inclusion)        They called Ursara for options with the stone        Zimzod offered Ursara her fees plus 3% for her help        The crew and Countess had dinner and left the stone to be analyzed        Rol got Zimzod's permission to examine the battledress        Every control board was damaged
Parties, Parting and Preparing to Leave"        Wed-186: The crew helped Brian on the ship, Mikah visited Ursara        Rol, Aiden and Zach bought suits in town        Mikah, Zimzod, Ms. Vik, Zach and Ursara talked gemstones        The crew and some Runipsian military officers arrived for the party        Thurs Morn-187: Zimzod tried to sell the Risek data-but it was old        Mikah and Zimzod did an Interview about Risek to TAS        Zimzod bought exploding dye packs and Mikah got remover
"Leaving Jae Tellona"        Thurs-187: Before leaving the port, the knights did more shopping        They spent the rest of the day preparing to leave port        Fri-188: Hotel California launched after Dulcenea        In jump, the crew planned for arrival at Rhylanor
- This includes:
"Arrival in Rhylanor"        Fri-195: They arrived at Rhylanor, docking with a naval station to refuel        Zach had to call Hortalez about the Raining Coins        Rol was told to be careful but not of Sir Jeremy's book        The Knights were asked to report to military command center 3        Mikah was told whrere Countess Ursara's ship had docked        Zach's merchant accounts were restricted due to the Raining Coins        They learned more of Rol's past in "Crossing the Line"        The crew ate on-station and Rol got varying reactions to the charges        Sat-196: Emkir flew Zach to Hortalez, and he was grabbed by Open Skies        Emkir got "Crossing the Line" and read until Zach re-appeared        The knights were told the truth about Risek was scaring people        They were told Leonard's people had questions about Porozlo        Brian got contact info for a salvage operation for the purifier
"Preparations Before The Madness"        Sat-196: They decided to hire engineers before meeting Ursara before 9pm        Meetings were set for Leonard's people and Norris'        Most of the crew shopped at InstellArms        Zimzod bought an overcoat with a power grid chameleon mode        They decided on how to sell the diamond and what bid to start with        Zimzod decided to make Lanthanum and diamond rings with the shards        Ursara learned they worked for Norris, they learned more of Delphine        They also learned avout Vengeance stones from her        Aiden also got a high passage delivered
"Learning To Fence With Words"        Brian got an xmail from Ealal Seewa said getting a patent was unclear        A port engineer provided an estimate for hiring engineering help        The Knights, Inger and Emkir met Minister Ahkuariyo at the Duke's office        The Knight's annoyed Ahkuariyo, who was to help them secure their titles        Much of what Minister Ahkuariyo needed was classified        Minister Ahkuariyo said their stories had gaps that caused issues        Emkir was told to direct any "cult members" to return to their lives        They were told to not spread the details of the Risek        Zach looked into getting a neural electronic shunt
"The Day's Planned Meetings"        Emkir visited Admiral Uuela, who asked for help getting Rol to help him        Ms. Vik visited Station Central        The Knights looked at androids and found new ones were very expensive        The Knights chose the events they'd go to, from Duke Leonard's list        Zach and the Knights met Mr. Ondallah, Minister for Duke Norris        Mr. Ondallah said he'd try to help Zach or help with Zimzod's battledress        Mr. Ondallah suggested they attend the Rhylanor Renewal Festival
"Making Progress And Money"        The Knights, Zach and Inger met with Captain Diievard        Diievard said he'd try to help but couldn't promise anything        Aiden bought white phosphorous ammo for hardened targets        Arguments over making money brought up the idea of setting up an LLC        Mikah started making contacts to sell the nomad data
"Shifting Data, Blood And Money"        Zimzod got a reader for the chip from the Tellona Diamond        Brian read data on the "Cold Dreams" legend (Cynthia McQuillin)        Zach got a hand-comp updated and was stabbed in an attempted robbery        Rol met Admirals Uuela, Saigacrem and Peyñoch at the poker game        Rol and Emkir told the Admirals about the nomads over cards        Ms. Vik bought candies and a camera        Zimzod showed Brian the chip from the diamond        Brian said it was a projector chip and needed the diamond, uncut        Mikah called Ursara, to see if they could get the diamond's original data
"Selling Data As The Siege Begins"        Mikah and Zimzod bought a projector and prepared for the U of R meeting        Mon-198: Mikah and Zimzod went to the University of Rhylanor        Imperial Navy officers tried to question them before meeting Dr Thrauld        Brian worked with port engineers, Zach got no help from Diiviard        The ship came under siege by the press, trying to get an interview with Rol        Rol, Emkir and Zach set up to get someone to pay for an exclusive interview
"Monday, 198-1112: Mid-Day Madness"        Mon-198: They were offered a special tour of the Ancient artifact        Mikah told them of her work in Risek despite Imperial Navy requests        Leaving the berth, Brian baited the press and did to an interview        Zach and Emkir firmed up Rol's limits and Emkir asked for written bids        Admiral Uuela came with APCs and Battledressed squads to give Rol a ride        The Admiral agreed to secure the berth and give them new dress uniforms        Brian bought WALL-e, Inger worked to smooth things over with the port        The university groups asked for more time to offer bids on the Nomad data        Mikah demanded the troops leave        Zach researched the local ratings market to get data for bids        Station security cleared the berth by the time most others got back
"The Calm After The Storms"        Mikah isolated Brian in the berth offices, when he got back with the 'droid        Mikah and Zimzod chewed him out but left the real punishment to Rol        Admiral Uuela admitted taking over the berth was not usual        Ms. Vik went to station central to smooth things over        Rol agreed to come to Station Central to answer questions        Mikah put out a help wanted and set up an interview with Eikusdi Piirirshu        They were all disappointed by Rol's restraint with Brian        Emkir ordered overnight updates to the berth transplex door
"As The Circus Really Gets Swinging"        Ursara's Seneschal set meetingd with Brigg, Tander and hault-Vineschenz        Mikah got an ad from Hunde & Edelstein, LLC, a Courtier's supplier        "The Text of the Flyer Dame Mikah received as a Text"        Everyone went to the trade fair except Aiden, who watched the engineers        Tues-199: Mikah, Zimzod and Brian interviewed Captain Piirirshu        Captain Piirirshu hired on and went to the ship as the Knights visited Ursara        Emkir saw his plans to accept offers go wrong        Aiden managed the port engineers        Inger, Zach and Rol took a cab to Ursara's ship and got pumped for info
"Adding Fuel To The Fire"        Eikusdi arrived at the ship, to the surprise of everyone including security        Emkir decided Aali(her nickname) would live with him in his stateroom        Ms. Vik was told to stop playing Seneschal by Mr. Jasani, Ursara's Seneschal        Brian bought a wrecked grav vehicle for the grav modules and parts        Rol was attacked by a man using a rod as a weapon        Mikah treated the attacker, who was hurt and didn't look good        Rol was taken into custody and loaded into a vehilce for questioning        Mikah called Aiden to get Emkir to ask Admiral Admiral Uuela
"Where The Dust Settles"        The attacker was from a Jesedipere trade delegation, and used a rod        Mikah argued with Admiral Uuela for not helping free Rol        Mr. Shrev, of the Duke's team, got the details and had Rol freed        Aali managed the port engineers        Emkir watched how the networks covered the attack to see slants        Ursara introduced her lawyers and Mikah hired them for other issues        The crew met Lord William, The Duke's brother        Duke Leonard announced those broadcasting lies would be prosecuted
"Before The Renewal Festival"        Tues-199 6pm: they sorted the offers and planned for the festival        The gravVehicle and food orders were delivered        Duke invited Rol for dinner the next day        Zach had to explain he wasn't Rol's agent to the Port        Zimzod messed with the datapads so they were moved to a locked room        Wednesday-200: Mikah learned the cabbie was an IRIS agent        At the festival, Rol and the Knights sat in Lord William's box        They learned Lord William was very plugged into events in the system        Aiden went gun shopping
"Points Of Karma In Transit"        Emkir missed a warning about Rol from Sir Jeremy        Inger convinced Emkir to digitize the flimsies        The Knights spent time with Lord William and Duke Leonard        Duke Leonard decided to Knight Rol(Order of the March Protectors)        Rol learned about the Quasar Viper as Leonard already knew of it        Aali worked with the port engineers, Zach set up drinks with Erum Dalunica        Lord William planned to view Brian's book collection        Ursara planned to view Mikah's gem collection        Rol's knighting was announced for three days later
"Parts, Paychecks And Politics"        Wed-200: Zach Hit Erum Dalunica's Party and made a contact with LSP        Emkir and Aali took Inger to dinner and movies, and found a laser tag place        Rol's Knighting was announced for three days from then        Mikah and Ursara completed a new deal to sell her gems from the Viper        Thurs-201: Zach scored an off-pallet deal for Nocar Muheen of LSP        Aiden, Emkir and Ms. Vik were called for debriefing        Brian met Talan Salagon and found a purification plant        Brian and Zach set up a deal for the purification plant
"Ceremony, Celebration and Actions"        Thur-201: Aiden asked Zach to blackmarket the Quasar Viper loot        Emkir and Ms. Vik looked at the media offers and Emkir called TAS        Erum invited Zach to join a trade run to Dist 268        Erum played Zach up at the party and both reputations grew        Ms. Vik went sight-seeing and accepted Brian's invite to the knighting        Aali worked with the port engineers, bought new capacitor connectors        Brian got the dead 'droid home and worked on it        Emkir took Aali to dinner and a hotel        Doctor Thrauld called and Mikah accepted the U-Rhylanor offer        Mikah told the others to plan for interviews with U-Rhylanor        Mikah brought Zach to the knighting and Brian brought Ms. Vik        Fri-202: Rol was created a knight of the Order of the March Guards        After the knighting, they went with the Duke to the Baron's birthday party        Mr. Morvello said TAS wanted changes made, including to Rol's demands        Emkir brought back the contract offer for Rol to consider
"As The Party Faded To Night"        Sat-203: The Knights and others went to Baron Matthew's party        Zach mat a rep from Safir Shipping Corp, dealing with "Blue Chips"        Mikah dealt with aristocratic snobbery but met many people        Zimzod met Baron Reznikov, a retired Marine General        Inger was often groped as it was assumed she was an escort        Aiden was assumed to be an unidentifiable intelligence dignitary        Brian met a broker who asked after his shares in a merchant shipping line        Aali worked with the engineers to swap the jump capacitors        Emkir set a meeting with Guarrin Serratta, of the Jump News Corp        Emkir and Aali had fun on the ship's bridge, leaving it vanilla/lemony        Zach started collecting loot from the Viper to vet and sell
"Making Odd Impressions In Your Own Shadow"        Sat-203: The crew named the cutter the Probe        The knights visited a Captain Ferlindac Festival, Rol was mobbed        Zach set up meets with Tarulli and Arcea for the Viper gear        Emkir met with the Jump Media News but their offer was the same as TAS        Mikah hit the Think Tank, meeting Lady Avocra and Dame Ashlee        At Dinner, Rol, Zimzod and Brian meet Count Krenowl at dinner        Mikah met Dame Darwofk and Baron Devonnews, and was offered a job
A Tide Rising To Disaster"        Zach met with Itium and Arcea but Arcea's man ID'd the gown        Realizing the Quasar Viper data was compromised, Zach called the ship        The crew asked for help but no one had the troops        Mikah suggested destroying the artifacts and saying the pics were fake        ISIS accepted that but needed Arcea and his people in custody        They set a plan for the 3 crew to back up the two IRIS agents        The agents would try to talk Arcea and his people into joining up
"Dealing With Zach's Sins"        Arcea shot Zach in the leg trying to learn what IRIS had planned for him?        The IRIS arrival turned into a shootout        Zimzod and Rol were wounded, Zach was critical and Emkir shot Aiden        IRIS killed those caught and took the crew for med-care and debrief        They learned Lord William was the IRIS Sector chief        Rol called and threatened Tarulli while in his damaged combat armor        IRIS let the crew keep some items but destroyed most of them        Zach's had a leg transplant, but was out of danger of dying
"Days Of Fallout And Recovery"        Sun-204 7am - Mikah watched Zach as Inger moved stuff to IRIS        The lightly wounded were treated and returned to the ship        The news had little on the fight, cast as an underworld battle        Wall-e finished work on the 'droid and Brian had it work the wreck        Brian set auctions for the parts and called about his Dankunlig shares        Mikah met with William and Leonard and was told to stop meet and greets        Brian installed the tentacle arm on Wall-e and sold some slag to a salvager        Mon-205: At the University for interviews, they set the artifact visit up        Rol signed his life away to the Duke for his Knighthood        Zach woke to a transplanted leg and was put under Med-slow drug        Tues-206: They visited the Artifact while Zach was in hospital        They ate with Doctor Thrauld and Lord William came to see the books        Wed-207: Early, Zach was put under Med-Slow drug again for a second day
"Storm Clouds And Sunshine"        The crew dealt with the shootout and Zach being shot        The Duke cancelled their public activities        Brian signed up for cloning insurance        Brian had WALL-e disassemble the grav wreck        Zach ordered a gravChair after returning from the Hospital        Mikah loaned Aiden and Zimzod cash for armor        After a visit with Duke Leonard, the blame was set on Zach        Zach was made the Duke's man, so the Ducal household could watch him        The crew got access to Duke Leonard's library as Zach was punished        Ms. Vik learned "Mr. Mattin" was actually a Natokan General        The crew got a reward for "capturing" the crime boss Arcea        Brian gave William the Stepozhevaci computer, he gave them some cash        Ms. Vik found out the Skipping Stone was stuck in-port here after Risek        Inger found the Stone was being held for corruption and got them free
"A Rest Before Choosing Salt Mines"        Brian called Kiirkaarbe & Ingagku Traders about his stock shares        Mikah decided they'd buy the battledress parts from Instell-Arms        Fri-209: Mikah told them about the Pavabid job, they looked up the system        Rol and the scouts visited TAS, to collect info on Pavabid charts        They learned Pavabid was to become a client state        Ms. Vik researched the ships with the port and set up who she could help
"Deals, Data And An Operation"        Emkir, Aiden and Aali visited the Scout base for more data on Pavabid        "The Details of the Pavabid system, for the job Dame Ashlee offered."        Mikah helped in the surgery to install Brian's neural stent        Ms. Vik connected with some including the Sword Worlds Star Daughter        Rol signed the TAS contract and set the interview for the 217th
"Everything Between The Docks And The Deli"        Sat-210: Mikah and Aali ate had lunch, Brian returned at 10:30p        Rol signed the TAS contract and Mr. Morvello took them to lunch        Rol, Emkir and Zach went to a museum, then went to a cooking expo        Rol bought spices and collected recipes        Inger referred Shaanes Kebe to Brigg, Tander and hault-Vineschenz        Driftwood's issue was political, Inger said to seek a patron        Cursed Bastards of Sol gave Inger little and warned was off by Imp-Intel        Zach set a meeting the next day to interview about the nomads        Ms. Vik was questioned about The Cursed Bastards
"A Day Of Work And One Of Recovery"        Sun-211: Ms. Vik went to the port to talk about the Cursed Bastards        Mikah, Zimzod and Brian went to the FFW Children's Relief Fund meetings        Zach went to Rhylanor University for his interviews on the Nomads        Aali and Emkir worked on sorting and blanking the datapads        Inger visited the Eadgar Lanzo, Rira Niru, Last Credit and Dragged Keel        Brian made friends at the Fifth Frontier Children's Relief Fund meetings        Zach and Aiden worked on nav training for Aiden        Mon-212: Erum Dalunica set up a deal for Inger's parts        The jewelers delivered Zimzod's order of lanthanum rings        Erum Dalunica and Zach signed a deal to sell the parts with Inger        The crew decided not to accept Dame Ashlee's job offer
"Closing Deals And Opening Wounds"        Mon-212: Mikah told Dame Ashlee the crew didn't accepted her job        Zach called Salagon and they worked out a new deal        Tues-213: Aali had her stent operation        Rol was hit in a live-shooter incident at Instell-Arms        Rol was put in a suspension for two days but was expected to be fine        The Duke's Seneschal told Mikah the shooters were from a spec ops unit        The Hotel California moved to the salvage platform to install the purifier        Mr. Morvello, Emkir and Zach pushed Rol's interview back to Satuday
"Hurry Up, Wait, Deal And Investigate"        Thurs-215: Mikah raised concerns for the "Hero's Cruise" the night before        The news covered the shooter as a lone actor        They realized the killers evaded the station security system        Instell-Arms had a description of the shooting and the shooter's body        Zach worked with Count Krenowl's people and the Bwap Apa-aeawes        Zimzod learned nothing from IRIS and went to Instell-Arms to see the video        Zimzod saw that trooper "Whilim Breamen" crushed the shooter's throat        The two claimed to be from the IMS Daisy Chain, which didn't exist        Inger saw Kishman's ship in-system as Rose o'The Marches        The crew armored up and a troop ship was sent if Kishman was found        Kishman disappeared with an altered transponder        While waiting, Zach watched his deal fall through but kept trying        Fri-216: The Seneschal told them to stand down and the troop ship left        The Navy was searching for anything Kishman might have delivered        Mikah and Ursara had met a female Knight, a Count, Baron and Baroness        Rol was visited by Count Sir Lisush-Amimkig Iduushin, primary of his Order        Rol was released and the Order transported him back to the berth        Zach said many-bodied gravitational effects could affect sensors        With that, they started refining the search for Kishman
"Dicing With Details And Death"        Sat-217: Rol, Mikah and Zimzod met the Huscarles commander                and Count Sir Lisush-Amimkig Iduushin        Rol managed to do good at the TAS interview        Zach worked with Apa-aeawes but his proposals were not working        Mikah asked for a facsimile of the Tellona diamond from Ursara for KCr2        Inger saw Mr. Mattin in a Porozlo diplomatic team and told Lord William        Zimzod met Dame Ligirsi Khilurka and her siblings for dinner        Sun-218: They were woken after an attack on the Selat Atrara salvagers        They learn Brian is dead and are loaned the Sable Addix and sent to Mora        Sun-225: they misjump and take steps to prepare for what they can        Sat-231: They get to the Fosey system and are challenged by cruiser        The cruiser recovers their ship and helps service the gazelle for five days        Thur-236: They jump to the Rorise system, arriving on Thursday-243        After a quick visit, they jumped to Mora on Sun-246, arriving on Thur-250
- This includes:
"Fast Moving Events Arriving In Mora"        Thur-250: At Mora, get the news Norris was created Arch-Duke of Deneb        The crew were called to report to the Arch Duke on their mission        Aali called TAS to get her brain scan set up        Zimzod rented a resort room and left the ship to enjoy a beach and skirts        The crew were called to attend Norris at dinner, and got further awards        They also met Lady Seldrian Aledon, Norris' True Daughter        Norris made Zimzod's Battledress legal        Norris told them they no longer had to offer help on system entry        Norris made Mikah the Fourth Lady to the Domain Court        Emkir proposed to Aali and the Arch Duke decided he'd officiate        The Arch Duke made the crew part of his entourage while in-system        The wedding was set for four days' time and the crew shopped for supplies        Fri-251: Mikah and Zimzod had their titles confirmed        The crew were called on to be at the First Court of the Domain of Deneb        Zimzod met a Baroness who was interested in courting him        Sat-252: The crew found themselves heavily covered by the news
""A Brief Respite Goes Bizarre"        Wed-257: Aali had her brain scan done        Aiden was asked to visit the IISS base as his war record became news        News of von Kreiden's ramshackle fleet broke        Aiden was called to Delphine's court, where he was Knighted        The crew learned from Aiden about the battle of Caladbolg        A message from Rhylanor confirmed Brian's death and the public notice of it
"Dressing Up And Being Flunkies"        Wed-257: the crew shopped for clothes and wedding rings        The crew went to Frank's Army & Navy        Aali bought a small fob which used to belong to a Sir Kaleo Dechomai        Thurs-258: The crew stood as part of Norris' entourage through the day        Emkir encountered Vargr Admiral Vazfe Fhazkoe, a friend        The crew attended a meeting exposing them to a new network        A memorial was held for Sir Brian between events        At a trade expo, Zach helped foil an attempt to assassinate Norris        Zach collected data on those seeking permission to smuggle        Zach turned his data over to the Arch Duke's Seneschal
"The Ride To Marital Bliss"        Thurs-258: Zach was wired during the wedding to catch criminals        Zimzod got permission to bring Shisema Nagaak to the wedding        Fri-259: Aiden, Emkir and Aali visited the scout base        Aali discovered the Aspirant Endeavor there        Ms. Vik and Rol returned to Frank's with Emkir's trade-gear        Zach got paid for his off-pallet operation and everyone met Shisema Nagaak        Sat-260: Aiden met the Duchess' gunsmith and ordered his snub pistol        Aiden set up shipping the weapon once it was made        Zach carried out the instructions for his secret mission        Aali and Emkir got married
"The Bumpy Road Back To Rhylanor"        Sat-260: Back from the wedding, they set up to leave the next day        Mikah dealt with Brian's leftover possessions        Sun-261: gathered made the Jump to the Brodie system        Wed-264: Aiden saw a blip on the sensors while in jump!        Sun-268: they arrived in the Brodie system        They spent four days visiting the crew of the tender Khadak di-Lenka        Thurs-272: The crew jumped to Gerome        Thurs-279: they arrived at Gerome        The Sable Addix was taken aboard the battleship to be serviced        Fri-280: those who investigated the sensors met the battleship's captain        Thurs-286: They jumped to Rhylanor        Aali told the crew about the Derchon files
- This includes:
"Blasting Back Into Rhylanor"        Thurs-293: The crew came out of jump in the battle with von Kreden's fleet        Ordered to run, the crew engaged the destroyer GNS Lilmett kin Vyste        Zach's fire killed the destroyer and Aali and Zimzod's fire killed missiles        Escapting the battle, the crew were taken into custody until the ceremony        Fri-294: The crew's battle actions were investigated for disobeying orders        The Naval station commander held an epic party for the crew        Sat-295: They were moved by the INS Kanas Mimusi to Rhylanor Prime        The Duke said they'd attend a ceremony in two days        The Duke also suggested they'd be punished for their actions        They were delivered to the Hotel California and held until the ceremony
"Marching Toward The Coming Thunder"        Sat-295: Their gear was dumped into 6 containers and started sorting        Zimzod found the cash from the diamond auction and shared it out        They called Countess Ursara to get the simulated diamond        They spent the rest of the day and most of the next organizing the ship        Mon-297: The crew presented themselves in suits to attend "the ceremony"        Duke Leonard "punished" them by knighting or augmenting them        All but Zach were given rights and made Knight Defenders of the Marches        The crew were allowed to celebrate but had the funeral the next day
"Two Parties, Shopping And A Funeral"        Tues-297: As they enjoy the party, Mikah met the Duchess of Glieten        The new members learned what the Order could do for them in Rhylanor        Wed-298: The funeral for the INS Khurmumshuuna Khangu dead        Mikah was called by broker Mr. Adirman about Brian's stock holdings        They moved the ship to the main SPA High port        Mikah and Zach found the ancient Darrian artifacts in the ship's locker        Mikah ordered food stores to be delivered and the crew went to Instell-Arms        Mikah bought her high-tech laser pistol as the others shopped        Zimzod began his quest for an FGMP-15        They setup to have the air-raft upgraded        The port invited the crew to an SPA-internal party        Aali set with Admiral Kiamman to visit the Naval offices for 'droids
"A Good Day To Die"        Wed night-298: The crew attended the SPA party        Thurs-299: Aiden took the air-raft to be modified        Aali and Emkir went to inspect the navy's spare androids        Zimzod went to the Order House to make contacts toward getting an FGMP        Zach set up having a stent implanted so he could get clone insurance        Inger set out with port friends to have fun, dinner and a play        Zach told them of death threats, Mikah called IRIS        Minister Baron Ondallah had a KCr 50 voucher for Zimzod's battledress        Aali stared the paperwork to buy a lot of four androids        Emkir and Aali sold the lot of used datapads for KCr 650        At Aali's suggestion, Mikah told IRIS about the ghost sensor blip        Mikah, Zach, Rol, Emkir, Aali and Aiden were attacked and Zach killed        Mikah spread the alarm as the battle ended. She, Emkir and Rol wounded
"Rushing To Cover Unknown Bases"        Tues-299: Zimzod and Inger got back to the ship        IRIS explained to Zimzod and Inger that Tarulli put a hit on Zach        After being questioned Aali and Aiden went to the hospital        Emkir was released, Mikah held over-night and Rol for several days        The ship hired Terin and Munarshu        Fri-300: They started getting data to plan Zach's funeral
"Recovery And Reorganization"        Fri-300: Zimzod and bought cloning insurance        Terin indentured himself to the ship for two yars to get a stent implanted        Mikah was released from Hospital        Rol agreed to review his trade show attack testimony when he could        Munarshu moved into a stateroom on the ship        Mikah set up Zimzod and Terin's surgery for the 303rd day at 9am and 1pm        Mikah set up Aiden and Rol's on the 404th        Mikah and Zimzod called Baron Sir Rielepo for help about an FGMP        The crew began applying to be x-Parcel certified        They mounted the GNS Lilmett kin Vyste name plate on the bridge        Terin began researching the Darrian artifacts and serving tea
"Planning To Move Forward Again"        Sat-301: Aali and Munarshu returned to the 'droid warehouse        Emkir met Captain Iligir Musnim and trapped him into a poker game        Terin explained his wounds to Mikah, but not his decorations or actions        Aali got the OK to buy lot 1 and asked about housekeeping 'droids        Terin told Rol about having fought Zho commandos        Zimzod got a contact from Baron Sir Kelslundt        Zimzod and Mikah met the tattooed couple        Emkir convinced captain Musnim to approve their application        Sun-302-5 am: Mikah and Zimzod pitched the tattooed man's job
"Arts And Shopping Adventures"        Sun-302: Munarshu found the ship's engineering logs were very short        Munarshu found "sonic probes" were legally questionable        Terin went for a run and encountered a bar fight        Terin was hired by "Harlo" to give him legitimacy in a planned deal        Terin set to have Zach's body handled        Emkir began researching who to hire to scan Brian's books        Rol gave testimony in the trade show assault and ordered food stores        Terin started researching what to do with the cybernetic parts        Zimzod beat up Terin in "zero-g" training        The crew received chocolates from Open Skies in condolances
"Hobbing With The Nobs"        Mon-303: Munarshu asked Rol to update the software on his sights        The morticians picked up Zach's body and inger picked up the air/raft        Emkir made a deal to have the University of Rhylanor scan Brian's books        Aali set up auctions for the gravWreck parts        Aiden tazed Munarshu at Instell-Arms        Tues-304: The books were reviewed by the Museum of Rhylanor        Zimzod and Terin had their stents implanted        Norris, Delphine, Leonard and Muktheswara came to see the books
"Plans And Potentates"        Tues-304: Emkir and Aali do the Rhylanor Museum with their Graces        The museum wanted to certify Brian's books as authentic        Emkir and Aali learned they had to contact Brian's family about the books        Inger found the Cursed Bastards of Sol had formed New Stars, LLC        New Stars was looking for investors and bought the IMV Durgarna Kishgi        The SMV Star Daughter invited Inger to visit their HQ on Joyeuse        The crew had to attend a reception for Norris and Delphine        Inger met Magach Zusir, a fixer from LSP        Inger and Munarshu went clothing shopping and were loaned jewelry        Zimzod and Terin's stent surgeries were done and their gear delivered        At the hospital, Mikah, Zimzod and Terin dressed for the reception        At the reception, it was announced Norris and Delphine had arrived        Norris announced he was planning a Grand tour of the domain        Wed-305: Rol and Aiden had their stent operations        Aali bought the engineering android lot for KCr 500
"Research, Pranks And Passings"        Wed-305: Terin scheduled a stent clas for the 311th day of the year        Mikah implanted Rol and Aiden's stents        Inger shopped for a cargo sealing machine for the ship        Emkir and Aali interrupted a jewelry store robbery and got in a shoot out        Thurs-306: The crew attended Zach's Funeral        Inger suggested the crew invest with the Cursed Bastards of Sol        Aali had her ring delivered to her
"Potential Profits And Virtual Death"        Thurs-306: The crew relaxed the rest of the day        Fri-307: The crew rented a place for zero-g combat practice        They were offered commenting jobs as VIP's on simulated combat games
"Once More In the Grinder"        The crew mixed up their teams and got more practice in.        After their practice, the crew dealt with the commenating contracts
"Plans, Risks and Opportunities"        Fri-307: After more sim-battles, the crew signed sports network contracts        The crew visited Durgarna Kishgi and bought shares in New Stars        Lord William called the crew and Munarshu and Terin learned about IRIS        Sat-308: Zimzod petitioned Duke Leonard for help getting an FGMP-15        Mikah met Master Alan Disadii of the Aler Irkhi Shusgididi Corp        Zimzod got a private meeting with the Duke after a great deal of push-back        Emkir began plans to set up a betting pool with other officers in-system        Zimzod called Baron Sir Kelslundtb for ideas to sway the Duke on the FGMP        Baron Sir Kelslundtb hires the ship to carry his cargo in their X-mail safe
"By The Light Of Burning Bridges"        Sat-308: Zimzod didn't get permission for an FGMP from the Duke        Mikah approved having the ship buy housekeeping 'droids        Mikah and Zimzod agreed to haul 2 tons cargo to D'Ganzio for Dame Ashlee        Aali bought the housekeeping 'droids and she and Emkir picked them up        Mikah, Zimzod, Terin and Inger visited the Darrians about the cybernetics        Munarshu left to hunt wrecks from the Selat Atrara archology        Duke Leonard's Seneschal was part of the meeting with the Darrians        When Mikah returned and asked Aali about Munarshu, he was ordered back        Rol told Mikah he thought one of the Darrians was a telepath        Mikah told the Seneschal and canceled the next day's lunch at the embassy        Emkir bought an Odds-Bot program
"Lies, Drinks, Pranks And Punishments"        Sat-308: Mikah restricted Munarshu to the ship for leaving and lying        Terin wanted to grow some of his herbs himself and talked to Aali        Mikah decided the crew had to get dunk and spiked Inger's drink        Emkir started the scanning process, Mikah paid the KCr 30        Rol lost a drinking contest and Zimzod put his body on Inger's        Sunday 309: Rol woke up on top of Inger, stagged into the ship        Inger woke to find herself semi-undressed        Munarshu tranq'ed Rol in surprise and then moved Rol to his bed        Mikah gave Norris the Tellona Diamond duplicate and the chip as a gift        The University of Rhylanor picked up the books to scan them        Duke Leonard ordered the crew to leave Rhylanor within the next 48 hours        The University of Rhylanor promised to x-mail the book scans for Cr 1,000        Munarshu was restricted from being armed aboard        Rol begain investigating what happened to him and Inger at the party        Monday-310: Terin had his stent class        Aali got all the ordered parts and sold all Sir Brian's parts to a bulk buyer        Mikah met the Order's Primary and Knight Commander Baron Sir Akamke                Ubum Iikimkhirsa Trekera        Inger the Duke's permission to leave the ship
"The Music Changes, The Dance Goes On"        The Knights return to the ship after Inger said she'd return on her own        Aiden sold his High Passages, Emkir consolidated his translation notes        Fesic learned their part fighting von Kreden        Terin began early Nav-plots were interrupted by the Duke's people arriving        Two Marine squads searched the ship as port workers removed Inger's gear        Mikah was told Inger was leaving the ship by Duke Leonard's order        Rol asked the port for news video but got it from TAS for Cr 12,000        Rol questioned Terin on how he and Inger ended up in bed together        Aali told Munarshu to stop doing her job        TAS hired them to get Fesic to Lunion but Zimzod hired him as Chief Gunner        Zimzod, Rol and Aiden got scanned for their cloning insurance        In jump, they got to know Fesic and had zero-g training        They stopped at the Equus highport        Mikah let the crew go down to the planet except Munarshu        The crew took submarine tours, Emkir and Aali had a speed boat date        Munarshu cracked water on the ship until it was time to sleep
- This includes:
"Morning's Light, Explosions Bright"        the crew shopped and Mikah got a new "Coral" sword        Aiden's research sparked a customs inspection and Munarshu to freak        Aali and Emkir found hidden files on the fob        Emkir and Aali hit a bar and lined up cargo, to be finalized the next day        Munarshu and Terin went planetside        Munarshu and Terin met Mak, who Munarshu knew from his time on-world        Munarshu's Ident was stolen, they went to the Imperial consulate        The consulate said they could get a new Ident from Rhylanor in 4 weeks        Terin when shopping but they learned the ident thief got off world        The high-port deputized the ship to chase and detain the rogue ship        The battle lasted 13.5 hours and the scout Skygge Sturek was lost
"Assaults By Land And Space"        Terin and Munarshu were asked to help investigate a firm the thief visited        Terin and Munarshu visit the firm to help the police        Terin and Munarshu plan to help the police break in that night        The late night break in finds someone in the targeted office        To enter the rogue, Rol pinned HEAT grenades to blow an entrance open        They found engineering pressurized and the enemy tried a fake surrender        As Zimzod entered Engineering he was attacked        The "surrendered man" attacked Mikah and was killed        After a shootout, they capture one wounded prisoner        Despite winning, they were all too tired to explore        Mikah did surgery into the morning        Terin and Munarshu met with the police to plan for that night        Terin and Munarshu went to a museum before resting for the coming night        Aali investigated and "safed" the rogue's engineering before looting        Zimzod and Fesic investigated and looted the rogue        Emkir worked to hack the rogue's computer then joined the looting
"Missions And Reunions"        In the second break in, Munarshu and Terin met a Human replicant android        Zimzod chose not to keep any loot from the Kakishuu beyond hard currency        Mikah remembered her copy of the Stepozhevaci hand comp        Emkir used the Stepozhevaci cracker to hack the Kakishuu's computer        The cruiser INS Midindir Kada arrived to help and they returned in-system        The port master gave the crew rewards and discounts for the next month        The port master gave Mikah Munarshu's Ident, which they had recovered        Emkir confirmed IMV Illiesh Shakhik's crew still had cargo        Zimzod had Port Security recover Munarshu as if he were under arrest
"Sharing Deals And Distractions"        They worked on projects or shopped as Mikah and Zimzod enjoyed a cruise        Rol bought cybertek, Terin got a HUD upgrade and Fesic caught a shoplifter        Emkir and Aali got Terin a computer class        Mikah bought the ship got virtual combat training system        The ship was scanned for repairs and sensor and software upgrades        After a crew meeting back at the port they went to an amusement park
"From One Ride To Another"        While eating Mikah asked Terin what happened in Ulir City        At dinner, Mikah asked Munarshu about Ulir City        Mikah called Ulir City and Navy for facts        Aali and Emkir told Mikah about the fob data        The next day, Aali and Emkir's team worked and they all went to a bar        The crew met the crew of the Free Trader Shoshama Iigee        After shooting, the couples had fun and met the Iigee crew again        The next morning to be told they had to meet the Count        Count Corven had his people interviw Terin and Munarshu        Munarshu left his digi-glasses to be searched after he and Terin told all        After a meetings on the wet-sea ship, the crew returned to the ship
"Killing The Deal"        Mikah implanted Rol's cybertek        The crew did various general bar crawls over the week        Rol did Zimzod's battledress maint and set up the combat sim-grid        The fob showed an old base in the Sonthert system        Zimzod planned to search for the White Star Order        Saturday-336: Aiden bought a blaster style auto-pistol        Terin researched accessing worlds in interdicted systems        Tues night-339: Emkir killed a spacer in a bar fight and was arrested        Mikah traded favors with Captain Voulge of the Shoshama Iigee        A hack job destroyed all the video of the crime and Emkir was released        A witness claimed Emkir was defending himself        Captain Voulge said they were hired as troops to re-take a cargo ship        The Leviathan orbited a planet further out in-system        The 56 crew of the Leviathan all were to be killed
"The Cost of Emkir's Ass"        Wed-340: Captain Voulge briefed Mikah on the IMV "Sohturn Behemoth"        Mikah set her crew to take the ship's boat decks and alt. bridge        They delivered the California to the shipyard for repairs        Emkir was released on his own recognizance        In the 24 hr run to the target, they slept and practiced        Thurs-341: On atack, the target's boat decks were open with boats drifting        Mikah's team checked the aft remains of a shuttle with no survivors        Zimzod, Aiden and Munarshu got locked in pressurizing rooms        Aiden died as they forced a hatch open        Mikah and Rol found debris showing a creature was aboard and got loose        Captain Voulge's teams hit their targets but were attacked by a creature        Captain Voulge got to the Iigee and got them off-ship to re-organize        After re-organizing, Voulge's people went back to kill the bear        The teams then explored the ship and found the log, with the whole story        On Sat morning-343, They prepared to return to Equus
"Cleaning Up And Moving On"        Sat-343 to Sun-344: Mikah's crew moved the Sohturn Behemoth to Equus        During looting, they found more than MCr 3.5 in funds        Mikah shared the KCr 62 but put the MCr 3.5 into their ship's funds        Emkir and Aali investigated the electronics        They found gravLifters and asteroid mining gear        In Equus orbit, Station Offices dropped the case against Emkir on Tues-346        They were warned the crew of a feud with the Sladek family(IMV Dilucca)        Wed-347: The Count called to ask them to come dirtside the next day        Thurs-348: The Count showed them the cargo from the Behemoth        An IRIS man from the interview gave them a contact on Skull        Bhreker Kraiowa hired them for the trip to D'Ganzio        Thurs-348: The crew jumped for Skull-Prime in the mid-afternoon
- This includes:
"I'll Raise You Four Charges For One"        Fesic was told about the smuggling and said he'd be good        The team trained, worked and relaxed until they arrived at Skull        Fesic tried to get Munarshu to help scan the cargo        Aali learned Duke Rakaa Kiraarri of Lanth was Baron of Sonthert        Fri-356: They paid for berth and refresh and agreed to help Delgado        Four of them were arrested for murder to cover up a disease outbreak        The rest tried to get help but got nowhere        Sat-357: 2am A detective freed them and sent them to Dome 32        They got a comms working and called the ship, but had no luck getting help        Mikah and Zimzod found no panic in a hospital        They went looking for "Orange heads", a gang they learned were moving in        They met real crooks, who taggged them as undercover        The thugs sent them to dome 30
" Hardened Spacers And World Savers "        Sat-357 3:30p - Mikah's team slept going to Dome 30        Emkir and Bhreker looked for legal support        Emkir OK'd trying to sneak out of the bay        Terin found social media data saying 20 domes were suborned        They told Bhreker everything, but he couldn't help them        In Dome 30, the team took out two thugs and were tested by the gang        Back at the gang HQ, they met "Mr. Big", killed him and fled        Fesic grabbed papers that were evidence of weapon making/smuggling        Warning the government triggered assaults from prepared positions        Rescued, the crew were treated and returned to the ship and they left        Wed-361: The crew jump out of Skull system bound for Restin        Tues-002-1113: In Resten system, they got aid from a patrol cruiser        Sat-013: Arriving in Lunion, they docked and made some plans
- This includes:
"Having A Blast In Lunion"        Sun-014: The Knights would meet Duke Luis the next day        They visited the Knight Defenders Order and did the tourist thing        Mikah reminded all Luis was related to Delphine and Admiral Santanocheev        Fesic opened the tattooed man's cargo, found a woman and called Mikah        Mikah and Zimzod returned to the ship and dealt with Fesic        Terin found 70% of the replacement herbs needed        Mon-015: Mikah and Zimzod watched as Fesic made the seal        The Knights had stent scans updated and went to Court        The Duke asked for help testing a Baronet-candidate by playing pirates        After the crew did their fake pirate act, a real raider appeared        The Everyone got in the faster ship and ran for it
" Valor And Discretion "        Tues-016 11:50pm: They bailed out of the Stellar Scimitar and escaped        Back at Lunion, the Duke gave them gifts in court        Mikah was made a Knight of the Knight Defender of Lunion (Planetary)        Each was given a personal favor from the Duke        Rol asked for the right to buy Battledress and Zimzod for an FGMP-15        Terin asked the Duke to help them with permissions in the Sonthert system        Mikah asked to modify to the ship's air-raft bay
" The Game's Afoot! "        Thurs-018 8:30p: Terin started researching botanical research on Sonthert        Mikah had Bhreker get a cargo container to hide the tattooed man's cargo        Zimzod had Fesic move the ship to the port for modifications        Friday-019: The crew stayed in the palace during the work on the ship        Fesic helped Terin work as the crew had fun or worked        Mikah called Fesic to seal a new bin over the old to smuggle into D'Ganzio        They learned survivors from the raider were taken to be interrogated        At 10pm, the crew were told the prisoner had been killed        The Duke told them to investigate and Mikah put Rol in charge        An investigation showed an agent got into the prison and killed him        Sat-020-9a: they were called to Court at 1pm        They were made members of the Order of the Knight Defenders of Lunion        Mikah was elevated to Knight Commander        The Duke gave Rol and Mikah title and ownership to their estates        The crew visited the estates and ordered some changes to be made
" Hard Working, Drinking And Losses "        Sat-020: Terin worked on his research with Fesic's help        Sun-021: Terin and Fesic worked on the research        Munarshu and Zimzod went hunting and Munarshu got shot        Aali worked on the raft bay until Emkir took her on a lunch trip to the coast        Sun-021: Terin and Fesic worked until Terin presented his data        They moved their stuff into the ship        Duke Luis said he'd help with Terin's request        Munarshu, Fesic and Rol went skirt chasing but Fesic got rolled        Mon-022: Fesic lost his local right to bear arms and ceremonial Naval rank        Mikah ordered a suite of communications units that arrived the next day        They were tricked out TL-D multi-Channel, channel-scrambling comms        Hookers called for Fesic, based on a fake sex ad, until they got it deleted
- This includes:
" More Fun Then you Can Shake A Station At "        Mon-022: They planned to jump to a gas giant at Rabwhar        Mikah sent Aiden a note to meet them at Lunion unless he got updates        They mapped some paths to the Gothe system        Munarshu and Aali asked for a replacement ship if needed        Tues-023: The Duke agreed to review their work if they asked for a ship        After receiving the ordered comms sets, the ship left Lunion        Tues-030: They refueled from the gas giant and reset at Rabwhar        Aali found the Probe needed KCr 5 to 7 in replcement parts        Tues-037: The ship jumped to D'Ganzio        Tues-044: They delivered Dame Ashlee's cargo and called the other client        Wed-045 3:3am: An android escaped their cargo and fled        As Instell-Arms security responded, the entire highport began to shudder
"" Strange Friends And Even Stranger Enemies "        Wed-045 4:20a: They looked for a way to get the ship free        They manned the ship, chased the android and tried to save the station        Zimzod, Mikah and Rol did an EVA to save the tugs and kill the android        Fesic and Emkir got the ship out of the station and picked up Terin        Thur-046: Mr. Thersk's agnathics order was swapped with the android        Mr. Thersk, a former executive, connected them to the system leaders        After an interview and rewarded for their help, the crew relaxed
- This includes:
" New Toys And No Answers "        Thurs-046: Emkir started checking their computer usage        Mikah received the Kakishuu's nameplate from Captain Voulge        Fri-047: Mikah, Zimzod and Rol moved to the port        They installed a gunnery training program and security system        Aali got a new R2 android from Instell-Arms and named it Marvin        Fri-054: They ordered parts for the turret and cutter        They agreed to haul a cargo and bought 1 ton of precious metals        After the last details were done,the crew jumpped for Lanth        Fri-054 to Fri-061: The crew jump to Lanth        Fri-61 to Sat-62: Mikah, Fesic, Emkir and Zimzod tried to get a cargo permit        Sat-62: Fesic wanted to research punishable legal offences
" From The Jaws Of Progress "        The crew continued trying to get their Cargo permit        The crew attended Duke Rakaa Kiraarri's court        In court, they asked for permission to visit Sonthert        Rol and Zimzod begged endorsements on their requests        Waiting for their application, they were told they had to go to Regina        Mikah asked for some delay and got two weeks
" Days of Fun and Forms "        The crew spent two days advancing their permits        Munarshu had a very bad encounter with vargr juice        They got their validation form and cargo permit
" Delivering Bruises And Cash "        Thur-067 1113: The ship was certified to trade in the Lanth system        They made their first delivery ( Administraria)        Terin bought a hookah        Fri-068: Emkir started organizing trade data from Sohturn Behemoth        Sat-069 1113: The crew broke in Terin's new Hookah        The crew decided to make Zero-G training a regular thing for the time being        They planned to do the Baron's cargo, get the cash and leave on Sunday        The crew planned to lift on Sun-070 after making a sub-orbital delivery
" Drop Offs And Boardings "        Sat-069: The crew relaxed and shopped or worked personal projects        Sun-070: The crew made their deliveries, almost getting shot during one        The crew packed and boarded the Kugar Akemudir
- This includes:
" Advancing On Accusations "        Sun-70: On IMS Kugar Akemudir, they met Understars Royal Metals'                   mercenary from Wiggans Atomic Specialists        Aali ran stent-studies with Zimzod, Terin and Rol using comm dots        Mikah taught unarmed combat and Munarshu had a rib broken        Sun-77: The crew began a week's layover in the Ghandi system        Sun-84: The crew reboarded Kugar Akemudir and jumped to Dinomn        Sun-91: At Dinomn, they jumped the California to Regina        Sat-97: The crew held a "Goodbye Party" for Rol in case he was arrested        Sun-98: In Regina, they met Mr. Dilgaadin, Countess Josephine        They also met Emkir's in-laws        Rol gave the manuscript of his book to Mr. Dilgaadin        Emkir was called the "Celebrity Murderer" by Aali's sister        They heard of rumors they'd tried to depose Duke Norris a year before        Mon, 99 1113: Aali's parents and brother took the couple out to see the city        Mikah and Zimzod were invited to meet Duke Vilis for lunch        A man rammed their suite in an air/raft and shot Munarshu
" Searching From The Shadows "        Tue-099-11:30am: First responders treat Fesic, Munarshu and the assassin        Fesic was told to spend two weeks off his left leg        The "crash" was reported as no more than an accident        Duke a'Plena offered help finding Brian's parents        The Duke told them to skirt the border worlds and visit his court on Frenzie        Mikah had the crew help Sir Anthony search for rumor spreading        Rol looked for publishers for his manuscript        Terin hung his shingle out for nav tapes        Emkir's spending, name dropping and whispered secrets backfired        Aali could not learn from her mother what her sister's problem was        Wed-100: Aali decided Emkir should return to the crew        Emkir and Aali learned the truth about the gravCar accident        A police officer told them this had been a paid assassination of Rol        The assassin hadn't been violent before and was paid by dummy companies        Mr. Dilgaadin and Countess Josephine were concerned for their wounded        The rumors had started months before and they were being traced        The rumor data currently seemed to lead to three unknown starting points        The crew had to be seen as heroes by the people while fighting rumors        Attempts to disgrace Rol would drag down Mikah and Zimzod by association        Mr. Dilgaadin signaled Mikah they'd talk later        Rol was given the contact data for a legal team        Mikah was given an odd firm to call after a delay
"Clawing Out Of The Dark        Wed, 100-1113: Rol met his lawyers and Mikah met the Intel Admiral        Mikah and Zimzod brought the others to "The War House"        Aali learned her sister had been assigned to the Tamesha Kargaa        Mikah handed over the Stepozhevaci data and outed Lord Wlliam        Thur, 101-1113: Mr. Dilgaadin resolved the reassignment of Aali's sister
" The Difference Of A Couple Of Days        Thur-101: Mikah was the first Domain Noble to visit the Duchy Museum        Mikah and Zimzod invited Aali's family to dinner        Aali's sister apologized after being read in on the rumor project        Fri-102: Fesic began researching precious metal prices for their cargo        Aali and Emkir continued the tourist thing with her family        Rol visited Sir Jeremy and helped foil an assassination attempt        Mikah took part in Rol's treatment        Emkir's parents arrived and Mikah and Zimzod had everyone over for dinner        Sat-103: Fesic's leg was mostly healed for use and jogging        Sun-104 Aali and Emkir visited Aali's old neighborhood        Rol returned from the hospital
" Wounds Healed And Shots Fired "        Sun-104: Rol got back from hospital        Mikah and Zimzod refused the duster quotes        Mon-105: Mikah sent Aiden a birthday card - to arrive in Inthe before him        Emkir, Aali and Fesic hit the port to cut their trade application time        At port services, Aali saw someone tailing them before fire alarms went off        Emkir and Aali learned of an emergency at the building        Emkir, Aali and Fesic were questioned on their visit to port offices        Officials got vid-clips of their "tail" from the port offices        With the others out, Emkir and Aali were warned of a building emergency        Wed-107: The crew learned details of the building attack        At the party, Terin met Zhodani Assistant Attaché Ezheqlafl Yentiiavr        Fesic met his former captain, now an admiral from the INS Khada Imirkii        Mikah, Zimzod and Terin met Deputy Seneschal Ishgiidku Arkamki        Terin was "interviewed" about his connection to the Zhodani Ambassador        Vid from the party suggested Terin was a mole and his record faked        Fesic shot a man who turned out to be the tail from the port office attack        Aiden's clone was now three days from being decanted        Thur-108: Terin was released back to the crew that morning
" Rebirth And Near-Death "        Wed, 107-1113: Rol pranked Munarshu with breakfast        Terin tried to solve the Zhodani issue and was told "No" by Lord Aamkige        The government used the captured agent to hit back against the rumors        Fesic enjoyed a song written about him        The Duchy hired the ship to do a satellite run        The Hotel California left Regina-Prime on their mission        Sat, 110: Aiden's clone was decanted and awakened in Rhylanor        Aiden participated in Physical Therapy        Sun, 111: Aiden had a meeting with Leonard's seneschal        Aiden entered Physical Therapy        Aiden learned a new cloning policy would cost MCr 10(KCr 250 /yr)        Aiden did most of his pre-travel shopping        Mon, 112: Aiden was created a Ducal Courier        Sat, 114: Aiden left Physical Therapy        The Hotel California arrived but the satellite exploded        After the explosion, the Hotel California was engaged in a battle
" Blasted And Re-Assembled "        Thur, 115: The crew recovered the debris, a panel from the satellite        Two Merchants arrived in-system sparking an alert from their escort SDB's        As the crew completed their run to the base, they watched events nearby        Aiden finished his PT and left Rhylanor for Risek aboard IMV Aveley        Fri, 116: On the base, they bribed the Co to scavenge the pirate ship        Munarshu woke and continued treatment for his burns and other hurts        The crew began repairs on the Hotel California with salvage from the pirate        Thur 122: Aiden arrived in Risek and was forced to spend a week there        Fri, 123: The Hotel California began its crossing back to Regina Prime        Thur 129: Aiden left Risek for Inthe system aboard IMV Aveley        Thur 136: Aiden got to Inthe and left for Yori aboard the IMV Ani Puumdi        Thur 143: Aiden was taken into custody at Yori by the port for transport        Sat, 145: Aiden left Yori for Regina aboard the INRS Tuarso Difom        Tue, 148: The Hotel California arrived at Regina Prime        The crew were held in orbit and debriefed        Wed, 149: The crew landed and had to be in court the next day        The crew were visited by the Duchess and learned about arrests in-system        Thur, 150: Mikah and Zimzod were woken by IRIS and given missions        The crew appeared in Her Grace's Court to explain their failure        Mikah met with IRIS and be lectured about spilling secrets        Zimzod's mission was to see if he could work with Psions and a job offer        Fri, 151: They began the process of having the ship repaired        Emkir locked down all personal computer systems on the ship        Fesic determined it would cost KCr 250 to fix the cargo sealer system        Sat, 152: Work began on fixing the ship        Aiden got to Regina space and re-joined the crew at the ship
" New Adventures In Learning "        Sat-152 Aiden rejoined the crew and they had a hazmat issue        Mikah's message from Norris allowed entry to an Interdicted system        Zimzod was Psi-tested and undergoing psi-tolerance training        Mikah explained the Sonthert mission to Munarshu, Fesic and Aiden        Munarshu was told his ribs would never heal completely        Aiden was zapped by his custom Snub Pistol        Munarshu and Fesic left on a 2-day hunting trip starting the next day        Sun-153: Munarshu got kicked off the hunting tour        Rol and his lawyers met with the Jesediperei        Mon-154: Aiden attended the court of the Duchess and delivered his message        Mikah was "removed" from a medical ride along
" If I Only Had A Brain "        Mon-154 Research on the White Star data gave links to the 871-438 system        Terin and Rol showed their data on the Sonthert system        Emkir got more data from the IISS        Zimzod began training for psi-shield        Fesic and Munarshu returned and the bets were settled        Mikah learned from Aiden about the looters and called the Seneschalate        Tue-155 Munarshu accidentally shot Emkir        After Terin punched Munarshu, Munarshu and Emkir ended up in hospital        Zimzod continued his psi-shield training        Emkir's wounds will heal in one month        Munarshu was placed under arrest in hospital        Wed-156 Mikah put Munarshu's fate in Emkir and Aali's hands        After a conference with Mr. Dilgaadin, the crew let Munarshu go
" Settling In And Taking Count "        Wed-156 Terin, Aiden, Rol and Fesic clean out Munarshu's stateroom        Mikah had Terin move all their dedicated military goods back to the ship        The crew parceled out Munarshu's gear because he was not gonna need it        Thur-157 Aiden turned in Munarshu's IISS buckle and got a new one himself        Emkir's treatment was settled into        Rol learned he would not be charged with crimes from teh Jesediperei data        Mikah was told it would help stop the rumors if they left Regina        Fri-158 Members of the crew visited Munarshu to say goodbye        Emkir was released from the hospital        Zimzod returned from his "special training"        Sat-159 The crew are sat at breakfast in the suite
- This includes:
"The End Of This Ride        Sat-159: The crew planned to leave Regina        They bought gear to use exploring the Sonthert system        That night, they had a party for Emkir, Zimzod and Mikah's birthdays        Sun-160: plans were made to go to Wypoc and then Sonthert        Mikah bought them five Haz. Env. Suits        Mon-161: At 1am, after leaving the jump shadow, the crew misjumped        Tue-183: By this time the crew had barely the power to findhope        Sat-187: The crew reached the Regina's Storm and Coronal Flare        Exploring the Regina's Storm, they rescue Sgt. Jocelynn Guerrek        The crew explored the Coronal Flare        Aali pronounced the Hotel California dead        The crew recovered a naval cutter drifting off the Regina's Storm        Sun-188: the crew will wake to having only 20 days before dying
" Dealing With A Fixer-Upper        Mon, 189 to Mon, 196 - The crew worked to repair the Coronal Flare
- This includes:
"Getting A Huge Upgrade        The crew manage to survive the jump back to civilization        The Coronal Flare was declaired salvage and property of the crew        The Navy agreed to help repair the ship, renamed IMS Upgrade        Emkir managed to bribe a Petty Officer into installing military sensors        The crew spent a week at a resort downwell        Repair costs paid by Navy payment for finding the Regina's Storm and insurance
" Things Put Together And Taken Apart        Sun-244: The ship was moved to naval repair due to heavier damage        Aali repaired the 'droids and Emkir trained with marines        Fesic got caught picking locks in the hotel        Rol found the bar Swisher Unlimited could be a underworld contact point        They did medical ride alongs, shopping and weapon work over the week        Thur-248: Mikah, Aali and Jocelynn had a Girl's Day Out shopping        Fri-249: Zimzod got a crystal with data on an Ancient site on Inthe        Mon-252: Aali and Emkir came back from the naval shipyard        Rol held daily hand to hand classes        Fesic took a week-long tour of Inthe's stunning vistas        Rol and Terin went to the Navy base for rations, and were investigated        Zimzod found a cracked data crystal in a medical ride along        Jocelynn lost to Emkir in a drinking contest        Thur-255: Fesic to return on Sat, Ship ready for testing in 6 days
" Risk And Risqué        Thur-255: Jocelynn bought an anti-grav weapon boot        Jocelynn introduced the crew to her hot cocoa and noted Rol's interest        Fri-256: News broke Emkir's father had died        Emkir sent a note to his mother with flowers        Mikah and Zimzod met Lord Major Kiliar Apkannir        Zimzod decided to call IRIS about the crystal from the Ancient site        Emkir and Aali met Alakam Udagis and Zasnad Gusurda        Terin bought an infuser        Aiden bought a target shooting pistol kit        Rol brought Jocelynn to dinner at the Order House        Rol and Jocelynn met Lt. General Nekinm        Emkir returned from his trip to walk in on Mikah and Zimzod having sex        The ship will be ready for testing in 4 days
" Consequences And Casual Violence        Fri-256: Rol and Jocelynn met Countess Athkazuk's people        The Scouts dined with Scout Leader Udagis and his officers        Sat-257: Aali bought a 500 yr old Vilani slide rule        Emkir, Jocelynn, Mikah, Rol and Zimzod went brawling
" Botching The Job        Sat-257: Those who went to brawl cam back to the suite        Jocelynn talked about the news as they drank        Sun-258: Zimzod found his data crystals had been stolen        Zimzod told IRIS of the theft, they said he had a problem        The crew stole the employee data from the hotel        Zimzod's team hunted down the guy who robbed them        Zimzod's team assaulted a motel room to get those who had the crystal        Early Mon-259: Scattered across the station as the operation ended
" New Fights And Old Friends        Sun-258: Jocelynn began seeing Jack hoping to make contacts        Mon-259: Emkir and Terin were returned to the hotel        Aiden went out in a taxi to recover Mikah, Zimzod and Rol        Mikah, Zimzod and Rol made it back to the hotel        Zimzod called IRIS to get the chip        They learned the Equus had been destroyed        Mikah bought a grav belt to deal with Emkir's injury        Tue-260: Terin spent the day with Kadika        At the Order House, most of the team met Countess Athkazuk        The Countess seemed to know about recovering the chip        At dinner, the Countess pushed to learn what was on the chip?        Athkazuk said they had a Stepozhevaci Councillor in custody        Mikah identified him as General Mattin from Natoko        Athkazuk brought Mikah's team planetside to out Mattin        Mattin revealed his knowledge of the Quasar Viper!        Zimzod told Athkazuk about the Ancient site
" Returning To The Black "        Thur-260: Fesic and Terin were "harrassed" by station security in a bar        Everyone packed to leave the suite the next day        Wed-261: The crew received the ship back from the yards        The crew bought a sensor drone "under the table"        The crew received food and supplies        They settled into the new ship        Thur-262: The crew began a shakedown cruise        The crew turned down a job offer from Scout leader Udagis        Fri-263: The crew were on day two of a shakedown cruise        Rol sold off spare ammo        Jocelynn worried about smuggling her battledress        Rol and Emkir installed micro-camera survellance        The crew started looking for passengers to Wypoc        Emkir was the first crew to try the autodoc        Sat-264: The crew accept 4 low-passengers        the crew buy 30t of speculative luxury food for Wypoc        Sun-265: the crew received their cargo and low-passengers        In Jump - The crew realized the drone they'd bought may present issues        Sun-272: The crew arrived near a gas giant in the Wypoc system
- This includes:
" Deals And Leads        Sun-272: They refueled after an incident between the Navy and Baron Sir Kanudushush        Mon-273 to Sat-278: The transit from the gas giant Paliwo to Wypoc-Prime        Jocelynn re-organized the ship's locker and the crew set up a sales list        There was a ship-wide week-long poker game: Mikah won        Sat-278: Mikah, Terin and Rol landed in the Probe        A deal is made to house the ship, kicking the Baron's ship out into the acid        The cargo was sold and Mikah learned Brian's family were prospecting in the acid fields        Jocelynn and Rol connected with the Marines from the Hazardous suit research lab        Sun-279: Terin and Fesic posted items for sale on the city-net        Terin sold Zach's paperweight as an artifact to a pawn shop owner        Jocelynn checked the Montgomery family's last apartment in the city to find them gone        Jocelynn planned to learn how to operate a Prospector        Rol and Jocelynn will meet and have drinks with Col. Ahizam after dinner
" Dropping The Rock!        Sun-279: Rol and Jocelynn had drinks with Col Ahizam and 1st Lt Pengeh        The ship was hired to rescue dagon hunters and went out searching        Rol and Jocelynn were "put up" over-night in the port by the Marines        Rol and Jocelynn learned the Imp. Acad. of Science was involved in the Haz-E lab work        Mon-280: The ship rescued four survivors out of twenty        Rol and Jocelynn took a class to work a Prospector        Agimari Gushdugar and Shasim Gangili promised the crew Cr 5,000 from their ins.        After they woke, the crew hit a bar and were met there by Baron Kanudushush        The Baron bought data from the crew about the rescue        Tue-281: Terin plotted a search pattern from the Montgomery family plans        Mikah agreed to take the ship out for no more than four hours        After three hours, they found and rescued the Montgomerys        Wed-282: Mikah first cut a fifty-fifty deal with the family for the books        When the family needed a cash bail-out, Mikah changed the deal to 75-25        Fesic got two days to look for cargo
- This includes:
" Pranks, Passage and Potential        Wed-282: Fesic began hunting cargo        Fesic had hidden Terin's hookah, leading to comedy        Thur-283: After buying speculative cargoes and booking a passenger, the crew leave        Thur-283: The ship jumps for Dinomn        Thur-290: The ship emerges from jump in Dinomn        Fri-291: The crew arrive in Dinomn highport and Fesic starts trying doing cargo work        Sir Vekaraste Rete asked to interview Terin, Aiden and Rol        Mikah met Leeta Leyba and was invited to join her plan        Rol, Zimzod and Jocelynn started re-assembling her battledress        Jocelynn started trying to make underworld contacts
" Bruises And Battle Prep        Fri-291: Aali got a notice her cloning insurance payment was overdue        Leeta Leyba was asked back to the ship to answer questions on her job        The crew did some shooting practice        Fesic listed the gear they didn't sell on Wypoc        The crew begin organizing comm dots to support their plans        Sat-292: Terin visited Sir Vekaraste for his interview        The crew played Zero-G games in the cargo bay        Fesic had a meeting but didn't sell any cargo        Jocelynn tried to make underworld contacts with "interesting" results
" Fools, Fists And Bullets        Sun-293: News broke of verification of the Quasar Viper in the Algine system        Aiden visited Sir Vekaraste for his interview        Jocelynn reacted badly to being robbed by the drug dealer and fought Zimzod        Jocelynn told the rest of the crew about her wandering the night before        They found out Leeta Leyba was not a Knight and set up to arrest her with the port        The broker helped Fesic sell the Ruthinium and Isotopes for large profits        Mikah told Jocelynn to get Fesic away from the ship until the arrest was done        Leeta turned out to be a Zho Jump Commando and ported to the ship        Mikah got shot and Zimzod beat down Leeta - The Imperial Navy took the site over        Jocelynn realized word of her visit spread to a lot more bars than she thought        Jocelynn and Fesic got pushed and Terin robbed, Fesic and Terin were beat on        Mikah is in hospital, Fesic is recovering at the ship
" A Brief Pause In The Aftermath        Sun-293: The Imperial Navy took over Mikah's care        Mon-294: Mikah was treated and began Psi tolerance training        Jocelynn paid off her debt to Zimzod        They started breaking down Jocelynn's armor        Rol did his interview with Sir Vekaraste Rete        The crew started organized code and stent classes        Jocelynn and Fesic found out Jocelynn's pusher was already being punished        Tue-295: The ship sold some of their spare gear        Mikah continued tolerance training and healing        Some of the crew went shooting        They continued breaking down Jocelynn's armor        Jocelynn and Fesic went bar-hopping again
" Straight Plans And Strange Bedfellows        Wed-296: Things started tense as Rol saw Jocelynn and Fesic cuddling        When she asked, Rol baked a pink cake for Jocelynn to give to Fesic        Zimzod called the hospital and was told Mikah couldn't have visitors again        Jocelynn decided to buy a terrarium        Mikah was feeling amazingly better        Mikah was allowed to relax that evening, taken to a resturant and a Vid        Fesic saw an officer's sword that was "stylish" and out of place at the museum        They met a man in a bar saying things had gotten worse in Regina        In another bar, woman said someone docked their ship with a fake name and id        Jocelynn connected with the woman enough to learn her contact was a smuggler        Jocelynn got the woman to exchange contact information        Thur-297: The crew woke up with Terin cheerleading to go to an amusement park
" Shopping, Adventure And Shootouts        Thur 297-Terin's gauss rifle was customized        Aali and Jocelynn worked on her Terrarium        Zimzod made a break through using his stent in his battledress        Mikah remained out of contact, undergoing tolerance training        The crew did some shopping        Fri 298-Mikah remained out of contact, now being trained in "shield" and "sense"        Terin, Rol and Aiden went to an amusument park and Rol did an orbital jump        Fesic created a fake auction selling Terin's indentureship        The crew went with Fesic and Jocelynn to a bar but got caught in a shootout        Everyone not in hospital or at the park went out but got caught in a shootout        Sat-299-Hearing about Rol's jump, Jocelynn, Zimzod, Emkir and Aali went to jump        Mikah remained out of contact, now being trained in "shield" and "sense"        The group paid for and made two jumps        Terin discovered the fake auction and yelled at Fesic        Fesic, Aiden and Terin went to play laser tag        Mikah was tested and was sent back to the ship but had not yet arrived        Rol was cooking dinner and the others preparing for Mikah to return
" Changes In Direction        Sat-299-Mikah came home from her tolerance training        When asked, Mikah claimed she had been in a coma        They held their clik-code and stent classes        Mikah paid for the bay until the 305th day        Mikah told the port to come the next day to debrief the crew        Jocelynn and Fesic met the Head Knockers in a bar        Aiden told Mikah about the muck-raker raising their name in the news        Mikah beat up Zimzod for not doing his job        Mikah sent a letter of congratulations to Norris in Regina        Zimzod found out Mikah did not have a wound scar from being shot        Terin went to the amusement park and had his Ident stolen        Sun 300-Terin woke Rol when he got back, to pay the cab        Terin started calling security to make his report        Terin directed them to look for the girl he'd done rides with        Rol tried a juice recipe which came out too sweet        Rol and others woke Terin early        Terin told Mikah about his Ident        Mikah called a crew meeting and beat up Rol for not doing his job        Station Security came to debrief the crew about Leeta        The Navy came and took over the investigation        Zimzod was told his TAS membership was approved        Zimzod decided to take Mikah out to celebrate        Jocelynn and Aali finished installing the terrarium        Terin started the process of getting station ID        Rol did communications training        Emkir worked on his translation work        Mikah and Zimzod went to the Core Plug and did re-entry jumps        Zimzod bought Mikah lingerie and a sex toy        Zimzod took Mikah to a very expensive hotel        After dinner, Rol and the crew went to a bar        Terin did stent-work        Mon-301-Jocelynn pranked Terin when she woke        Most of the crew went to the museum        Aali noticed a lack of data on a ship named Efal Zdevrzdije        Terin got a replacement Ident        Security checked the woman and found she was not the thief        Security warned Terin he was at legal risk        Zimzod did stent-work        Jocelynn sold her High Passage        Jocelynn asked Emkir to try and track the hacker        Mikah decided they would go back to Regina instead of Ghandi        Fesic started advertizing for passengers        Terin called for a lawyer in hopes of preventing legal issues        Emkir made some progress but not much in hacking the hacker        Tue-302-Roland Terin are the first awake and food is cooking
" Strange Travels        Tue-302: The crew went to a shooting range        They booked an IMoJ investigator as a High Passenger        Fesic made no progress with his reverse hacking for Jocelynn        Wed-303: They went shopping and planned a pre-lift party        They came up with a better plan to smuggle the sensor drone        Thur-304: The crew had a pre-lift party        Zimzod set up a prank on Rol and Jocelynn after they got drunk        They got three requests for low berth passage        Fri-305: One of their low berthers lost a shootout with security        They dealt with the outcome of Zimzod's prank        Jocelynn had an offer from a contact but had to say no        The ship left the system        Mon-308: In gunnery training, Fesic got a hit on the sensors        The crew investigated the hit but kept it secret from the IMoJ investigator        Fri-312: The ship arrived in Regina and they settled in
- This includes:
" Next World, New Shadows        Sat-313: The crew settled into Zimzod's fief        Rol and Jocelynn went to the official Regina Planetary War Museum        Fesic priced selling the marble cargo        Terin and Fesic could not replace their lost classes-on-computer        Aali left a message for her parents        Mikah, Aali, Aiden and Jocelynn went shopping for high end clothes        The crew did stent and clik training        Fesic ordered a "Locksmith in a box" business        Terin met Baron Zander Marsden from Beck's World in a bar        Sun-314: Aal got a message from her parents and saw they would have to visit        Aali and Emkir checked on an urban project because it was discussed in court        A group from the crew went to the Natural History museum        Fesic and Jocelynn went looking for contacts        They overheard two spacers talking about a plan hinging on a lawsuit        At the bar they selected, they saw parts of an episode of "The Gauntlet"        Emkir, Rol and Aali went to a big casino named the "Marquis' Treasury"        Emkir won big when a man with lots of cash was paying attention to Rol        The man challenged Rol to name the units withdrawn from Efate in 1107        Mon-315: The crew woke to fresh news having been delivered by the x-boats        Some of the new stories related to their interests
" Passing Opportunities "        Mon-315: Learned Prince Lucan could be as close as D'Ganzio on the news        Mikah refreshed the autodoc        Terin investigated the data on the White Star order        Fesic, Aiden, Emkir and Aali went to the Zho espionage and Desserts museums        Fesic and Jocelynn went out contact hunting        Tue-316: Tigress Class Dreadnaught INS Adzin Ilgimsumaa and flotilla arrived        Aali and Emkir went to work on the ship        Everyone except Zimzod, Aali and Emkir went to the Desserts museum        Zimzod went to buy gunnery training software w/Mikah, Emkir & Fesic        They met the sellers at a COACC base and bought the software        Jocelynn and Aiden went to the clothiers for alterations        Emkir and Fesic moved the ship for the upload        Mikah and Zimzod checked out the military salvage website        Mikah returned to the Desserts museum             Mikah met Rol & Terin there and went to the Order house        Fesic got a short list of cargo brokers        Zimzod went to the Order house and the crew joined him for donner there        Emkir told Rol about the gambler's interest in him        Terin took them to the bar where he'd met the Baron        Wed-317: Mikah and Aali went to the clothiers        Terin did stent work        They rented another gravCar and a ground car for 30 days        Rol, Jocelynn and Aiden went for a day of sightseeing        Zimzod bought a sniper rifle and auto-shotgun at the War House        Aali, Emkir and Fesic worked on their engineering and the software download        Terin researched the White Star data more
" A Short Field Trip "        Wed-317: Terin saw the White Star Order used diamagnets and rare-earth        Zimzod ran into some Knights and a Baron planning something        Mikah volunteered at a hospital and worked in a knight with a gunshot wound        Zimzod also met a Knight from SuSAG who asked about their anger        Emkir, Aali and Fesic decided to live on the ship while they worked        When they got back to the suite, Rol and Jocelynn said they'd move to the ship        They hired a cook for Cr 2k for the next week        Mikah found out one of the knights was crew on a ship owned by Baron Zandor        Mikah wanted to visit him but found the ship was leaving port "NOW"        Mikah called the Seneschal about the ship and they asked her to track it        The Upgrade left port to chase the yacht        Thur-318: The yacht dropped into Assiniboia's atmosphere        They were asked to check a station nearby that had gone silent        Mikah, Zimzod, Jocelynn and Rol boarded the station        After they voided the command room, the enemy killed the station's thrusters        In a shootout, Mikah was wounded but they retook the command        They re-started the station's thrusters and pressurized the compartment        They connected with the station's crew and worked to free them        A Cruiser arrived as the Yacht began to surface and made them surrender        The ship returned to port and Mikah came out of the autodoc        1p - The crew all cleaned up and went to sleep except Mikah
" New Friends And New Fights "        Thur-318: Mikah enlisted the butler to prank the crew when they woke        Jocelynn was told about the Sonthert plan        The crew moved to the ship to set up comm dot networks        The crew put out bid sheets for gear they wanted        Fri-319: The crew had to be in Atora for a debrief        After the debrief, they met with Baron Zander and his officers        The crew went with Mikah to an art museum        The folks in the suite partied and relaxed        Emkir and Aali went to a casino        Jocelynn, Rol and Fesic got into a bar brawl
" Risks And Divided Outcomes "        Thur-320: Emkir and Fesic complete a second day of work on the software        Aali worked in engineering        Mikah had Terin set up zero-G training for the next three nights        The War House said their bid was Cr 7,496 for the ship's gear order        Aiden, Rol and Jocelynn went shopping        Mikah ordered five hand bags        Terin studied the White Star Data - found ship data        The gowns and suits ordered days earlier are delivered        Fesic contracts a cargo broker about the marble cargo        In startown Aiden, Jocelynn and Rol find a dying man and call security        Zimzod bought a fantasy short sword        Rol, Aiden, Jocelynn and Fesic researched the words of the dying man        Terin saw the battle-lost Sword of Arbellatra(400t cruiser) was not recovered        News broke Admiral Uuela's fleet had an engagement in the Lanth subsector        Rol, Jocelynn and Fesic investigated a ship believed to be the dead man's        Rol, Jocelynn and Fesic found evidence of a plot to kill Duchess Seldrian        In a fight with the assassin, Rol was stabbed twice and poisoned        During the incident, Mikah was called into the Seneschalate        They stopped the assassin, but Rol was evacuated to hospital under drugs        Jocelynn and Fesic gave statements, went to the hospital and spent the night        Rol was treated then put into a coma and cooled hibernation to slow the poison        Experts worked to identify the poison        Mikah admitted to Countess Josephine not having the authority Rol claimed        Mikah and Terin returned to the suite        Sunday-321: Mikah, Zimzod, Terin and Aiden: in the suite asleep        Jocelynn and Fesic slept on cots in the Ankehshock Military Medical Center        Rol was undergoing critical treatment in the Ankehshock Military Medical Center        Emkir and Aali were Asleep aboard the Upgrade
" Foolish Actions And Questionable Rewards "        Sun-321: Things were grim for Rol        The doctors froze Rol and called for help        Mikah was called to the seneschal's offices for a briefing        Mikah agreed to a raid on the ine givar and put Terin in charge        They went to the ship to plan but Mikah was called back to the Seneschalate        Mikah and Zimzod learned about Seldrain's personal clinics        They could scan Rol's brain for cloning, then would try to save him        The raid on the shop went badly but none of the crew were shot        Aali saw a mansion image and sent it to the Duchy intel people        Mon-322-The crew were invited to visit the Ducal Estates        They were sworn to secrecy about Seldrain's medical clinics, Rol was moved        They with stents got their mental images backed up        Jocelynn got the right to bear arms on Regina        The crew were moved to a residence on the ducal estates        Zimzod suggested Mikah ask the Duchess to let him die and clone him        Tue-323-The crew met their personal servants or androids        Aali received ballots to vote on specific initiatives per Regina law        Mikah was told Norris and the Prince would arrive in 5 days        The crew got a tour of the grounds and gardens        Mikah and Aali saw prototypes of their jewelry and Aiden got his order        Everyone is in the dining room of their building for dinner
" Revenge And Reflection "        Tue-323-Jocelynn asked Mikah about asking to use the clinic for a stent implant        The crew went to Zero-G training and Aiden pulled a muscle        The crew did some hot tubbing and swimming        Mikah tried to find the right person to call about using the clinic        Wed-234- Aali worked out a schedule for her parents to come for dinner        Zimzod and Jocelynn were challenged to a competition fight        They agreed to fight and bets were placed        The crew was asked if they wanted to volunteer to hit a terrorist safehouse        The crew led the attack and Zimzod was wounded        They learned 3 terror strikes did happen and two more had been stopped        Zimzod was returned from the hospital        Fesic refused an offer on the marble        The crew made hair appointments before the party with Aali's parents        Thur-235-Fesic got a good offer and sold the marble
" Secrets, Sales And Surprises "        Thur-325-Mikah was told Rol had died and what Seldrian had done to clone him        The Duchess would ask the Navy to loan the ship a gestation chamber        Zimzod had an armorer from I-A work on the damaged armor        Jocelynn had a stent implanted        Aiden bought a Hunting Saddle and the ship got a Personal Re-entry kit        The Duchess made Aali's parents a planetary Lord/Lady        The Duchess gave them the Ufflete hault-Hucknall estate and repairs        Fri-326-Mikah, Aiden and Zimzod went treasure hunting - got an EVA thruster        InstellArms priced their bid sheet at Cr 12,370        Aali and Zimzod compared the brand names and models        Aiden bought 3 fire-optic camera units        Emkir and Fesic worked on the gunnery training software (Day 3)        Aali shared her stent manual with Jocelynn        Emkir and Fesic had a great night at a casino        Sat-327-Mikah had the thruster unit tested and it came out 100%        Emkir and Fesic worked on the gunnery training software (Day 4)        Zimzod ordered more ammo and gear from InstellArms
" Optimism And Fact "        Sat-327-Mikah had a crew meeting about the Arch-Duke and Prince's arrival        Aiden did stent-work        Aali and Emkir practiced with Aali's drone        Terin had an encounter with the curator at the museum of Cryptology        Sun-328-The crew took part in the greeting ceremony        Terin missed a shot at a fleeing grav-Rider and wounded a bystander        Terin learned there would be charges against him and hired a lawyer        Terin was told not seek contact with Their Graces or be armed in the presence        Aiden, Aali and Zimzod did stent-work        Emkir searched for cargo        Zimzod ordered cuff links and a lapel pin with his arms        Mon-329-News-the Prince announced a new command centered in Regina        The Prince announced new naval construction in Regina        The crew met with a mix of seneschalate workers and navy officers        They were told they could leave the system days after the ceremonies        The crew met with Leonard, Bondal, Luis, Muktheswara and Rakaa        Jocelynn was called a thief and had to present the battledress in 2 days        Norris would decide what would happen to the battledress        Emkir demanded their next destination so he could make cargo decisions        The crew went shopping and had dinner/drinks at the Order House        Some of the crew went to the ship to recover the battledress parts        They spent a few hours parsing the video to re-assemble the battledress
" Good Deeds And Punishments "        Tue-330-The crew went to the ceremonies and were called into Court        They were created Knights of Caranda's Sword        Rol was created Knight Commander of the Order        Rol was offered a gift from Her Grace on his return to Regina        Rol was created the Primary of the Order of the Unfallen        Members of the new Order helped assemble Jocelynn's battledress        They met Knight Commander Vorryt        The x-boat message from Wypoc arrived in Equus for transfer to Rhylanor        Wed-331- Norris told Jocelynn to find another way to certified her battledress        Norris gave them 4 months to get to Arden and find missing teams or data        Norris suggested they stop at Tremous Dex to get the battledress certified        Mikah and Aali worked with Lt Cmndr Shurger to plan installing cloning gear        Mikah, Aali, Zimzod and Emkir moved the ship        Fesic accepted the InstellArms the bid        They met the Order of Caranda's Sword Primary, Sir Dan Sapiil Shas        Sir Dan gave Jocelynn a letter to people he'd dealt with on Tremous Dex        Cargo: bulk lot of vacc suits for MCr 4 and 3 "4-ton" machines for Cr 607,500        Emkir, Aali, Mikah and Zimzod went to a casino, met Baron and Baroness Azakhi        The couple owned the Shanmuk Kavomiih corp and offered investments        Jocelynn met Sir Makxel ia Kiin and said she'd deliver a box to Arden for him        Sir Makxel gave Jocelynn data for contacts he'd dealt with on Tremous Dex        Thur-332-Athkazuk, Mikah, Zimzod, Aiden and Emkir witness an execution        Those with stents had a class        They visited the cryptology museum        Jocelynn got swimming lessons        Terin, Jocelynn and Fesic wandered the streets of Atora        The Baron's financial documents and InstellArms order were delivered        Terin, Jocelynn and Fesic ended up in a media piece on the rescue        Terin, Jocelynn and Fesic went to a charity event and ended up in the media
" Plans, Preparation and Departure "        Fri-333-Fesic took a forest tour        Mikah, Zimzod, Aiden, Terin & Jocelynn visited a palace        Aali and Emkir visited Aali's parents and Emkir found a wine cellar        Terin collected data in the Spinward Marches Towers             on Extolay, Tremous Dex & Arden        Jocelynn bought a vacc suit        Fesic worked on his lock pick training        Terin did stent-work        Sat-334-There was a battle in Regina space vs 'Payan Government in Exile'        Jocelynn, Mikah and Aali went to have their HUDs installed        Aiden did stent-work and explored the estate grounds        Aali bought high tech hand tools        The crew went to a video arcade while Fesic worked on lock picking        They joined a virtual reality game and fought Countess Athkazuk's crew        The crew decided to invest with the Baron and Baroness        They agreed to meet their Excellencies next day at 10am        The crew broke out the hookah and relaxed        Sun-335-Fesic's college class x-mail reached Lanth, headed for D'Ganzio        They went to meet with the Baron and Baroness to invest        Mikah bought 5 shares, Zimzod-4, Terin-3, Emkir & Aali's-2 each,             Aiden-2 & Fesic-1        Zimzod and Mikah went swimming and Jocelynn was taking swimming lessons        Fesic went back to his lock picking        Aiden, Aali and Terin did stent practice        They had a party in the suite and Terin, Jocelynn went to a club        Aali and Emkir left some things at her parent's new estate        Mon-336-They spent the day packing and GI parties before getting the ship        Mikah got a call the Navy was ready to turn over the ship        Mikah set up the delivery for the next day        Mikah and Zimzod decided to go to a nice club with a bar and dancing        Jocelynn went to the Caranda's Sword Order house with Fesic, Aiden & Terin        Leaving her parent's estate, Aali and Emkir saw a "Large, bipedal" animal        Tue-337-They loaded gear into the gravCar to ride down to the port        Zimzod had the company recover the vehicles        Aali checked work on the ship and signed off on it, and returned to port        They loaded the cargo, settled accounts, got authorizations and lifted        Mikah told them to set up their comm dots before they arrived in Extolay        Mikah did gear maintenance        Mikah had Terin go over the geo-politics of the worlds they'd be visiting        Zimzod did hard core workouts, added gunnery practice and stent training        Jocelynn did gear maintenance, devoted time to workouts, did stent practice        Emkir worked on the gunnery software and asked for to review the clik codes        Fesic worked on the gunnery software, lock picking, gunnery and gear maint.        Aali had engineering work, group stent work and gear maintenance/upgrades        Aiden did stent work, worked on gear        Aiden also suggested going over the mansion attack for lessons learned        Terin wanted to work on his stent work, gear and other skills        Terin reviewed the political data on Extolay        Tue-337 to 344-1113: In Jump to Extolay
- This includes:
" Karens Everywhere You Look        Tue-344: The crew emerged from jump 25 hrs from the mainworld        Wed-345: They arrived and landed on the mainworld        Their cargo was taken to be put in a vault by the port        They watched night-time kite competitions        Thur-346: They went to an electronics competition and a music festival        Fri-347: They realized their cargo was missing and started investigations        After annoying many people, they started their own investigation        They annoyed more people, but helped the crew of the IMV Kana Iisha        They managed to find the missing port worker who put the cargo in a vault        They were given the services of a Broker by the port as an apology
" The Wages Of Singe "        Fri-347: Aali worked on the resets and tests, with Wall-E, Marvin, Thing-1 and Thing 2        Emkir saw a ship leaving the system was the IMS Scarlet Tree, Shaslu Kishman's ship        They'd overestimated the value of vacc suits on the Extolay, Emkir worked to sell them        The port called and asked Mikah to bring her pilot and XO to a meeting the next morning        Sat-348: Emkir got a call from Lana, aboard R Class(400 Ton) freighter IMS Girkusge        "Lana" offered MCr 3.6 for the vacc suits, a KCr 400 loss        Jocelynn checked the data crystal from Sir Makxel        The port offered the ship a job scanning crash sites for free fuel and consumables        The port also bought vacc suits for MCr 4.2        Mikah told them about the job, Aali decided to have Thing-1 on the hull during the job        Mikah told the port they'd fly the mission the next morning        Sun-349: They located and rescued crash survivor: Mashua "Ruby Hawk" Akhamii        The ship was hit by a microburst, slammed down and they had to break free        After flying over the last two sites, the ship made it back to the port        Rescuing Mashua Akhamii, the Red Hawk, brought the crew minor celebrity status        The broker called as the sudden celebrity started a bidding war for the farm machinery        Thing-1 was crushed, the landing struts bent or broken and three laser barrels bent        Mon-350: The port asked the Naval Base for the laser barrels        The shipyard said the work would be done on the 352nd day        Mikah signed a deal with a news crew to embed with them for the rescue story        The news crew filmed Zimzod's reaction to the news from his homeworld        A yard worker saw Emkir and Fesic working on the software and cut a deal with them        Tue-351: The military quartermaster was OK to send the laser barrels        With deals from the port, they got out after paying only KCr 250        They watched the documentary the media team created and got a copy        Terin suggested using a fourth trojan point to enter the Tremous Dex system        After the repairs, they returned to Extolay to close the farm machines deal        Wed-352: At 10am, they started the 22.5 burn to clear the star's jump shadow        Thur-353: At 9am, the crew entered jump to Tremous Dex        The crew made plans for reacting to issues on Tremous Dex        They found Tracking Sensors, which would let them locate each other        Buyers paid KCr 300 per machine for the farm machines        The crew studied, relaxed and took part in drills over the week in jump        They realized they had to go to the world's surface for electronic forgers        Thur-360: At 10:30am, the ship's everyone geared up and emerged from jump        They powered everything down and saw Tremous Dex floating in the starfield        They'd emerged 148,750 miles from the world(little more than an hour and a half)
- This includes:
" From The Frying Pan "        Wed, 359-1113: The crew arrived in the Tremous Dex System            They were engaged by the Pirate ship Krama Vjera and defeated it            They were then blocked by the pirate ships, Rumen, Cedna and Xefe            They cut a deal with the pirate leader Draga Smiljan for passage to the port            Mikah offered Smiljan the sensor drone for free passage out of the system            Jocelynn did research on her contacts: the Nedyal and Borislav Orti            Aali began work on the ship's damaged airlock        Thur, 360-1113: Jocelynn and Terin were dropped off near the mercenary hall            Jocelynn learned the Nedyal were housiers under the thumb of the mercenaries            Fesic sent Smiljan the data on the sensor drone            Mikah, Fesic and Emkir went to meet Smiljan for a "blood letting" to seal the deal            Mikah's group were double crossed and taken prisoner            Emkir got a final broadcast out letting the rest of the crew know what happened
" A Month-Long Afternoon "        Thur, 360-1113: Captured, Mikah, Emkir and Fesic were forced back onto the cutter to dock with a pirate ship            Zimzod had Aali suit up so they could assault the Cedna            Emkir and Fesic worked to break loose on the cutter            Aiden secured the Upgrade            Jocelynn and Terin met with the Nedyal but fled the mercenaries            Zimzod and Aali took the bridge of the Cedna            Emkir and Fesic got loose and re-took the cutter            Fighting fore and aft, the crew assaulted the Cedna crew            Aali rammed the Xefe with the Cedna            After two shooting incidents, Jocelynn and Terin got to the city            Mikah was wounded taking the Cedna            Jocelynn and Terin became trapped by lizard megafauna            Mikah's crew captured the Cedna            A change in pirate strength, let the port help Mikah's crew            The port used a favor to have mercenaries recover Jocelynn and Terin
" Loot And Loss "        Thur, 360-1113: 9p: After stowing the loot and putting Mikah into the autodoc, they all went to sleep        Fri, 361-1113: Fesic reinstalled the part from the drone and tested it            Terin went to go check on Cedna to do some looting            Aali got the others to help with the airlock            Terin was told to barricade himself in and tried the bridge before engineering            The port warned the crew to armor up because there had been attacks            Intruders came to Cedna's engineering and shot Terin            Smiljan's attacks caused confusion            Zimzod left Aali to lead the defense of Upgrade while he and Jocelynn went to retake Cedna            Jocelynn and Zimzod ran into some pirates and killed them            Cedna's boarding hatch was sealed so they had to wait for the port to blow the hatch            Zimzod led the boarding and was immediately shot in the chest but killed his man            Zimzod and Jocelynn tossed grenades on the way to engineering and killed the pirate guards            Zimzod tried to lead into engineering, was shot and collapsed, Jocelynn tossed in a grenade            The pirates died and Jocelynn found Terin dying and tried to help him            The port took Zimzod and Terin to medical services but Terin died on the table            Jocelynn was treated and sent back to the ship with Zimzod and Terin's gear            Aali and Jocelynn briefed Mikah when she came out of the autodoc            Mikah took over Zimzod's treatment and moved him to the ship and autodoc            Aali remembered they had taken an image of Terin's mind on Regina so he could be cloned        Sat, 362-1113: Imp Traders said IMV Ashidi Ke were Imp Navy Intel auxiliaries and would convoy with them            They said they were worried about the Ardenis ship MV Takouhe            The autodoc said treating Zimzod's wounds would take 3 days            Samuel Katz offered to sell them a cargo sealer            A deal was made to trade the Cedna for a number of items and concessions            The Maakham Zuuker brewery hired the ship to carry a cargo of booze to Arden            The Imp Traders gave Mikah a deal which had her buying the sealer from the Scarlett Tree
" Verbal Fencing And Cultural Anthropology "        Sun, 362-1113: With Zimzod in the autodoc, the crew started finishing work on the Upgrade        The Maakham Zuuker brewery cargo arrived and was loaded            Aali finished repairing the ship's airlock        Mon, 363-1113: Aali got back to engineering work, the ship architect and Armorer arrived            Zimzod would live but projected 24% of complete recovery and likely 82% chance of full recovery            The port got the cargo sealer from the Traders that could create encrypted seals            The Armorer burned certifications into the battledress, making it legal for her            The crew of the ZMV Chatstoshe had dinner aboard Upgrade            The two crews spent the evening eating and comparing societies        Tue,364-1113: The port gave them a complete refresh of atmospherics and consumables            The Zhodani delivered Fesic's food            The port delivered the replacement cutter and Mikah found it was armed            The crew met the Ashidi Ke and leave the system and, 2 hours later, Aiden said they had 3 shadows            Emkir took over seven hours into the trip expecting Aiden at fourteen hours in            9 hours in, the IMS King George emerged from jump in extreme distress, calling for help            The liner jumped out of Lanth on 355-1113, bound for Ghandi and entered misjump            Aiden got a call for help from Baron Aluu Murema and his daughter in an escape bubble drifting            Mikah, Jocelynn and Emkir launched a rescue            Mikah saw more things making her question Ashidi Ke's honesty            Mikah decided the Ashidi Ke were looting and to be left behind after the rescue            Jocelynn recovered the space ball            The cutter returned to the ship after taking on more survivors from Ashidi Ke            After surgery, the older woman died due to a blood clot in the brain        365-1113-Past-12am: Starting the jump point run, Mikah in the medbay, Emkir & Aiden flew            Aiden and Emkir swapped sleep shifts to be ready for jump            The Baron raised spirits saying Oberlindes had a line to Regina so they could get home again            Hours before dinner, they reached the jump limit, Aiden hit the button            Zimzod would be done in 4hrs and Mikah would treat him though he'd have a longer recovery time            Mikah planned to put the boy with the broken leg into the autodoc
- This includes:
" New Puzzles And Uncertain Allies "        Prequel: from 353-1113 in Lanth: Sir Sekea Sian left Lanth on a cruise aboard IMS King George            Escorting parents of a crewmate, Sekea tried to keep them safe when the ship misjumped            The mother, Karu, died ten days into the crisis        365-1113: Sekea helped Mikah with medical work and they both knew Zimzod would need more to recover            While Zimzod began pt, and Mikah found Terin's body had been frozen, so he couldn't be cloned            Mikah told the others about Terin and they had a funeral where Jocelynn threw him out the airlock            They got to know Sekea and Mikah hired him as their navigator            They shared out Terin's goods with Sekea and the crew        HOLIDAY-1114: The week in jump passed with people working on studies or managing the passengers        On Wed-006-1114, the ship came out of jump 19.75 hrs out from Arden orbit            On arrival, they flew in-system after getting no answer from an outer layer of beacons            Closer in, they found inner beacon rings working and spoke with the port and Imperial ambassador            The ambassador ordered them to have no communications with the system government without her approval            After landing at the port, they paid for refueling and consumable refreshing            An embassy team came to get the rescued passengers            Mikah hired two engineers from the port to help get the ship reset faster            Mikah, Emkir, Sekea and Zimzod met with Imperial Ambassador Zugoukh            In the meeting, they got copies of travel papers which Sekea considered forging            Zimzod suggested she was holding out on them and she dismissed them            Jocelynn visited the port terminal to get food            Jocelynn encountered many patrols and got a travel tag letting her move around            Jocelynn bought lunch and returned to the ship
" Answers And More Questions "        Thur 007-1114: Back from the embassy, Mikah planned to investigate the hotel            Mikah called the embassy saying Fesic would be going instead of Zimzod            Mikah, Fesic, Sekea and Emkir went to the hotel to find any information on the lost team            Sekea learned the room rentals for Arch Duke's team were paid for by the police            Nour Kakha from the embassy's Information office and Mikah asked for information from the embassy            They got the team's names: Kerd Barreg, Jase Pryante, Stine Rezal,                Aasimar Flore, Thainarv Umbrafin and Finerd Talthan            They went to a restaurant and marked the team frequented but learned nothing            Mikah's team didn't find anything in the one room which had been used by the missing team            Mikah's team met one of the housekeeping staff and learned other maid might have information            Mikah's team got the team's lost and found items but they held no meaning            Jocelynn met Alef, an associate of Yur, who wanted her to do a job to prove herself            Mikah's team found the Arden government did not publish crime data        Fri-008-1114: Nour got pictures of the team members and Jase Pryante's face seemed odd            The maids had a box not turned in by mistake, which had items in it            A smaller box for a palm-sized sphere device and the team guessed it held an artificial eye            Sekea found a data crystal in a garment hem            Jocelynn was woken as the shipment would arrive in 1 hour and told Aali what she was doing            Jocelynn got the delivery at the gate, moved it to the MS Tagund Edanse and it attached itself            Jocelynn got back and reported in to Aali            Rol: Cloning for the next 11 weeks
" Illuminating The Situation "        Fri-008-1114: Jocelynn told Mikah, Zimzod and Aali about her work with Alef for Yur            Mikah returned to the ship with the crystal and Emkir led the team to the Lila markets            Zimzod and Mikah found a database and used that to direct Emkir's team            Emkir's team visited three shops in the Lila market            Emkir was attacked by someone who appeared to look like Finerd Talthan, of the Arch Duke's team            They met Quif, from the Imperial Import/Export agency named 'Ghous, Velzuma and Holilge'            Zimzod and Aiden left the ship to join Emkir's team            After burning bridges and insulting shop workers, they went to Kintanlux in the Hayley Market            Sekea bought a tool kit that had been owned by Thainarv Umbrafin of the Arch Duke's team            Jocelynn was invited to dinner with Alef and Yur and Mikah told her to hide a comms on herself            They returned to Lila market to see if Kuagmii had come back to Signwheels            Fesic's comms were stolen when the man who looked like Finerd Talthan            In Signwheels, Kuagmii and the clerk surprised them with a shotgun and pistol            Kuagmii called Someone who said to hold them and turned out to be Finerd Talthan            Aiden passed word to Mikah and she had him tell Emkir and let the Embassy staff know too            Emkir warned that Nour and Biangud were calling the Embassy and police            Leaving out the shop's back, Kuagmii set a bomb to explode the shop's front            Finerd led Zimzod's team to a safe place to talk            The ambassador ordered Mikah into a car to come to her office immediately            Emkir was taken to the embassy by Nour and Biangud            Finerd said their info was getting to local's so they'd stopped sending key data to the embassy            Kuagmii's people learned they planned to take the team down and sent an emergency message            The ambassador demanded the team appear in her office at the same time            Aasimar Flore drove Finerd while the rest of the team were killed going to the embassy            Aasimar was caught and Finerd knew where she was held and demanded they deal with that
" Desperate Plans And Executions "        Friday, 008-1114: 6:30 pm:            Emkir called the ship and told Jocelynn Zimzod and the others had been in an explosion            Jocelynn realized Mikah was missing and seemed to have left for the embassy            Yur had Neff "help" Jocelynn get off the port to come to dinner with him            Finerd told them the embassy passed data from his team reports to the police, getting people arrested            They stopped sending the data to the embassy and the police attacked            Finerd refused to leave until they tried to rescue Aasimar or confirmed where she hid the data            Finerd said Aasimar was being held in the Shaplu Eguuan Corrections Center            Fesic and Sekea became concerned their comms frequencies were compromised            When they got Mikah to the embassy garage she saw 2 AFV's            Mikah was taken by the Ambassador and put in a locked room as was Emkir            Kuagmii moved Zimzod's team, rushed officers met by surprise and stripped gear, insignia and, weapons            Sekea would forge documents and they'd pretend Fesic was a prisoner to get into the police facility            Alef said the embassy was shielded and comms were blocked, and they couldn't trust the embassy            Zimzod and Jocelynn got in contact and shared data which Jocelynn shared with Aali            Jocelynn met Yur and gave him the box from Sir Makxel ia Kiin            After the comms, the police moved Zimzod's team again but they ended up in a shootout and Fesic was hit            Jocelynn told Yur about their mission on Arden and learned Yur was familiar with Finerd Talthan            Jocelynn offered to be a courier or something of the like for Yur in the future for his help            Zimzod worked on the wounded, Sekea forged documents and the team got ready for the rescue            Zimzod's team use Fesic as a pretend prisoner to get into the holding facility            They located Aasimar and got her information but could not rescue her            Yur sent Jocelynn with help to the port to get her battledress and Zimzod's from the ship            Yur's man got Jocelynn to the port and then to a warehouse waiting for Zimzod's team            Zimzod's team got out of the holding facility and were fleeing through the city
" Surprises, Escapes And Endings "        Friday 008-1114: At 11:30 pm: Mikah and Emkir were locked in rooms, the others gathered to rescue them            Finerd told Sekea the ambassador was working with the Ardenii            Jocelynn had their battledress set to look like Ardenii Captain's Guard, and Fesic and Finerd as prisoners            Zimzod's team arrived and told Jocelynn about the crystal at the port restaurant            Jocelynn sent Sekea by himself, with a man Neff sent to get the eye with the crystal and get back to the ship        Saturday, 009-1114: Sekea got the eye with the crystal and got back to the ship            Jocelynn led the team into the embassy where they were quickly surrounded and forced to surrender            They were sat with Mikah and Emkir, and addressed by the Ambassador until a large explosion happened            A government broadcast said a coup led by Yur removed a pro-Zhodani element affecting the government            Yur demanded the Ambassador release the crew as honored guests of the Government of Arden            They bought 30 tons of Ardenii liquor, considered Novelty Liquor in the Imperium            Mikah got a crystal from Truko with orphaned accounts in Arden Banks, including Stepozhevaci and Natokan            Yur gave her 3 million credits        Sunday, 010-1114: Early that afternoon, the Upgrade jumped from Arden to Denotam            Mikah shared out the cash from the Cedna and went over the crystals/intelligence with Finerd and Aali            Mikah treated her patients with Sekea's help        Sunday, 017-1114: Upgrade arrived in Denotam system from Arden and saw Prince Lucan's fleet was there            They docked with the orbital Denotam Imperial Naval station, and Finerd gathered all the crystals and left them            Colinne Paan sent her resume and Mikah set up an interview at an Astroburgers the next day            Lt. Commander Nualon called and said the Arch Duke would like a report on their project at 10am the next day            Mikah was told the meeting with the Arch Duke would be at 10am the next morning on the naval base            Mikah gave Aasimar's body to the military and told Emkir to try to sell the cargo of liquors on the naval base        Monday, 018-1114: They met the Arch Duke, who asked what their ship didn't have that they wanted?            Asks: Aali: external cameras, Zimzod: cloning gear, Mikah: replacement 'droids, Aiden: battledress            Zimzod asked about repairing his chest and torso with cybernetics or cloned organs            Mikah asked for Battledress for Rol            Mikah complained about Ambassador Baroness Dame Zugoukh            Norris considered the battledress and said made the cloning plant permanent            Installing cameras and subsystems would take a month and Mikah said they'd spend some time on Denotam            Mikah said they'd stay at Denotam to heal and recover, and Norris had the Navy do the work            With the debrief over, they moved to the civilian port and wait until the Navy said where the ship had to go            Norris said he'd left them something in their cargo bay            They returned to the ship and prepared to leave for the civilian port            Mikah found 9 tons of free space filled with cargo pods with extreme cold gear            On the bridge, Mikah asked for options getting to Sonthert system, surprising Sekea            The Denotam highport berth cost Cr 3,000 for a month            Emkir faced restrictions selling anything on military stations, especially "novelty-quality" non-imperial alcohol            Mikah took Fesic, Aali and Emkir to the Astroburgers to meet Ms. Paan            They moved gear out of the ship before the call came            Colinne messed with Emkir while showing off her stent, comms and computer skills            Both Mikah and Zimzod felt buzzing in their brains and Colinne realized they blocked her probe            They hired Colinne for "a fair share" of what the ship earned            Colinne was told she'd have her own small stateroom            Mikah learned Colinne didn't have armor or a vacc suit            Colinne left out of her base quarters and moved her gear, meet them at the berth            Mikah asked Colinne to deactivate the programs she ran on their ship and Colinne said it was beneficial            Mikah said to turn the program off for now and revisit the idea after the upgrades and tested            Mikah asked about teaching how to use a stent and Colinne agreed to do that and share her mini-progs            Mikah and the others went back to the ship to tell the others about the new hire            Mikah and Zimzod had to consider what to do about the buzzing
- This includes:
" Complications From High And Low "        Mon-018-1114- On the civilian port they were moved gear off the ship            They got all the cargo pods off the ship before they got the call from the shipyard            Mikah appointed Fesic to find a buyer for their cargo            Mikah called and asked for a conference with Norris in the next days            They went to a casino and got comp'd rooms after a near-brawl        Tue-019-1114: Mikah was woken by the shipyard and said they'd move the ship by 4pm            At brunch Fesic and Jocelynn talked about cold weather training on Denotam, Mikah put Jocelynn in charge            Mikah said Aiden, Aali and Zimzod would come with her to move the ship            Colinne reached out as far as she could daily to detect threats            Those on the port went through the gear from the Arch Duke            The crew pushed and Mikah told Emkir to tell everyone "everything" about Sonthert            They then went over the data from the Sonthert system to start making plans            Fesic started getting registered to trade locally            Sekea, Colinne and Emkir went to InstellArms            During a crew meeting, Norris called and updated them on their requests            They found out the sensor drone would burn out the ship computer and the Navy would pick it up            Norris asked about Terin and said there would be a memorial service            Sekea asked about Mynbou and mentioned the Knights which triggered Norris            Norris said Sekea's comment was the first suggestion Mikah's crew knew of that Imperial Order            Norris told them they all would meet with him the next morning on the naval base            Tue-019-1114-Rol is 8 weeks and 2 days until his clone is decanted
" Drinks On Ice "        Tue-019-1114- Jocelynn assigned team jobs for training and they started talking about getting a grav sled            Sekea started looking chemicals reactions based on the materials of their HE suits        Wed-020-1114-Mikah got an x-mail saying Gidkhiza, Picheslal and Kiskhui would run the book auction on 094-1114            The crew got more information in a meeting with the Arch Duke            Lt. Cmndr. Germai Miisud on the shipyard because Imp. Naval Intel were searching the ship for 2 days            Jocelynn, Colinne and Fesic went shipping and were nearly arrested for having a Denuli Gemstone            Jocelynn, Emkir, Aiden and Aali met the Glas and he bought the cargo of alcohol        Thur-021-1114: The crew spent the day delivering the cargo to the Glas and his people            Fesic got his certifications to trade in-system        Fri-022-1114: The crew finished delivering the cargo to the Glas and his people
" Changing Plans and Faces "        Fri-022-1114- Sekea's research shows it is impossible for a White Star base to be on the Hyper-Arctic worlds            Mikah agrees they should search Mynbou first and not land on the other worlds but does not cancel the practice        Sat-023-1114-The crew move all the Hyper-Arctic gear to the naval base            The crew practice with all the Hyper-Arctic gear            Emkir falls into a crevasse, is badly injured then dies during treatment            Arch Duke Norris and Prince Lucan take part in a memorial for Emkir and Terin            Jocelynn, Emkir, Aiden and Aali met the Glas and he bought the cargo of alcohol
" Politics And Pleasantries "        Sat-023-1114- Aali rode a shuttle to the shipyard and the others mourned Emkir in the berth            An X-Mail arrived with a KCr 5 link from Mrs. Shasim Gangili, rescued from a dragon hunt on Wypoc            Mikah asked the base clergy(Lt. Sonwe Ghapod and Lt. Cmdr. Usdar Shauum) about Emkir's funeral and called Aali            Fesic was called by Imp. Navy Lt Cmdr Teresko, an aide to the Arch Duke, saying there were no lock picking classes            Fesic said he collected Emkir's ISS belt buckle to return it to the ISS with Terin's            Fesic made an appointment for the next day to return the buckles to the ISS base            The shuttle INS Iakaa Naashki delivered Aali to the shipyard, meeting Commander Kushsa Mikiesgi and his officers            The Imp Navy Officer leading the inspectors delivered his report to Aali            Aali told Colinne about the lock picking program and said Mikah would give her a copy and Sekea learned of the program            Colinne checked the electronic environment around them            Mikah was called by the seneschalate for the Count of Denotam, asking to meet them in his Court the next day            Fesic checked, cleaned and packed the gear used trying to save Emkir        Sun-024-1114- Fesic and Colinne turned in the buckles to the ISS base but left without Fesic getting a new buckle            Colinne checked the base exchange and bought a tablet-based book on the flora and fauna of Denotam            Mikah shared out the KCr 5 reward: the ship got Cr 2,507, each of the crew got Cr 277            Mikah gave Jocelynn ownership of the combat armor she was borrowing            Meeting Count Alaranjados, Cmdr. Niargii shi Ginenku asks Zimzod to come to the INS Maadashmim Zikheaa for surgery            Count Alaranjados asked them what they'd learned about how Clan Glas views Imperial operations on-world?            After the meeting, Mikah calls a crew meeting to discuss their Sonthert plans and they work out Jocelynn's anger            The crew decide to send someone to the Glas clan to sell or trade back the grav-sledge            Mikah, Jocelynn and Aiden sell the sledge and Jocelynn's grav-shoe for KCr 22 and a grav bike            They also see a badly damaged APC which still flies            After drinking in memory of Emkir, The Glas takes the three spacers on a patrol            During the patrol, they see an Imperial facility on Glas land and get attacked by the Durie            Mikah called the Count's office to set up an 11am meeting the next day            Fesic did lock pick training, Colinne read her flora and fauna of Denotam book                Aiden did stent work, Jocelynn studied armory videos, Mikah watched vids        Mon-025-1114- Aali asked Mikah to set a meeting with the clergy the next day at 2pm and planned to return downwell            Meeting with the Count and Mikah told him what they learned and got more from the Count's people about the situation            The Count was happy to sit down with the Clan leaders and change the agreements            They learned the history of the APC and about the 1,967th Imp. Marine Inf. Company            Mikah offered to try to trade for the APC and suggests the Count could kick in cash            Mikah chose to wait before contacting the clan            Most of the crew went to a shooting range            Colinne planned for and started working on her plans to deconstruct work on the lock pick program            Colinne ran a group stent practice
" Pieces On The Board "        Mon-025-1114- Zimzod was on the INS Maadashmim Zikheaa for reconstructive surgery            They decided what to sell and had Aali collect stuff in the ships locker            Mikah gave the spare gaiters to Colinne and Sekea            Fesic and Jocelynn met a "Seeker" named "Kennot" at a bar and he agreed to share if their help caught his bounty            Fesic and Jocelynn learned the Arnstruther clan were angry at the Imp. Navy and likely to raid            Jocelynn called the Glas Clan to warn them about the seeker            Sekea and Aiden planned for refueling in the Sonthert system and talking to naval navigators in the Ghandi system            Colinne worked on the lock picking software but had to shut it down and work from the logs        Tue-026-1114- Jocelynn got Mikah's permission to set up a meeting between the Count and the Glas            Mikah picked up Aali            Sekea and Aiden went shopping for clothes, hats, gemstones and ammo            Jocelynn worked with seneschalate officer Lord Arnama and set a meeting for the 28th day of the year            Aali sent x-mails to her family on Regina and Mother-In-Law on Roup            Sekea and Aiden saw an ad for an Iron Buck hunting competition            Jocelynn called Clan Glas and confirmed the meeting after volunteering their cutter to fly The Glas            Jocelynn shared the list of things they'd like to sell and The Glas asked prices for the combat armor suits            Fesic visited an indoor horticultural park that turned out to be an Aeroponics vertical farm            Jocelynn and Colinne went to InstellArms and bought ammo and took range practice            Mikah and Aali spoke to Lt. Cmdr. Usdar Shauum and Lt. Sonwe Ghapod at the base's temple        Tue-026-1114: 3pm: Sekea asked Mikah to ask the Arch Duke to modify permissions to enter Sonthert to "multiple times
" Threading Needles And telling Tales "        Tue-026-1114: 3pm: Doctors planned out and began Zimzod's            Fesic checked his investment account (Now KCr 24) and set his stipends to pay into it            Jocelynn id'd the APC as an Octocopiae from the firm Ballistica Maximas            Mikah called for a meeting with Norris after the funeral to discuss Sonthert entry            Sekea went pricing gear and went with Aiden and Colinne to check prices in the port and village            Sekea,Aiden and Colinne got caught in the village when Clan Arnstruther attacked the naval base fences            After Colinne killed a shop keeper, the police investigated and released her            Mikah got an xmail from Nivaor Tirkenty, Captain-IMV Ashidi Ke apologizing and returning the KCr 25 for the cargo sealer        Wed-027-1114: The crew attended Emkir's funeral, also attended by Prince Lucan and Arch Duke Norris            After Emkir's funeral, Norris said he couldn't change their permission to re-enter the Sonthert system            Mikah called the port telling them of the planned trip to Clan Glas territory the next day            Mikah got a call from Zimzod's doctor saying the operation was done, and he was moved into ICU but wasn't stable        Thur-028-1114-Mikah, Aiden, Jocelynn and Fesic got up early to fly the Glas to meet with the Count            Mikah's team left to pick up the Glas and flew him back to the port where the Arnstruther were attacking again            Mikah's team delivered the Glas to the naval base through ground fire from Clan Arnstruther            The Glas asked the Count to lie about resources he wanted the Imperium to share and the Count refused            The Count wanted the grav APC back and the Glas refused and the Legate warned that could lead to conflict            The meeting broke up and Mikah's team lifted to return the Glas home and talk trade with him            Fesic and Mikah traded Munarshu's old combat armor for the APC            They also sold him 2 auto-rifles, 3 blades and Terin's custom sword, the camping cot and Terin's 2 cheap sunglass pairs            They completed the deal and sold the duster            A 50 dTon Great Eastern Troop Transport picked up the APC            Mikah and Jocelynn were debriefed aboard the INS Urza Kashi in orbit            The Count said he owed Mikah's crew a favor, and also said he would cater their dinner in the berth        Fri-029-1114: Mikah called the medical ship and connected to Zimzod and caught him up on events
" Changing Guides And Goals "        Fri-029-1114: Aali sorted Emkir's gear to keep, give away or sell            Mikah and Colieen checked what to do on Denotam but many of the attractions were under clan control            Jocelynn made a shopping list of battledress improvements to ask for in her favor from the Count            Sekea and Mikah made deals to get the crew crampons, ice picks and harness/lattice kits            Sekea and Jocelynn met Kennot and learned his fugitive was in Erskin lands            Kennot owned the IMS Youkan Debou(Far Trader) and his passenger, Cenawo Adsi, had a deal with the Erskin            Jocelynn talked up stealing the bounty from Kennot            Imperial records said Entarzul, wanted for Murder & Terrorism with a bounty of MCr 1            Colieen hacked Kennot's ship and got a folder named "Entarzul" before she was ICE'd            Colieen searched for a Clan Erskin network presence            Fesic called the IM0J to ask about the fugitive and got a file but learned there was restricted data            Fesic learned the fugitive tried to assassinate Duke Rakaa Kiraarri of Lanth            Mikah called the Legate and spoke to Imp Army Capt. Pewinan and Col. Harunda            They got the coordinates of an Imp. safe house in Erskin lands where the fugitive might have been seen            Mikah, Jocelynn, Aali, Fesic and Sekea flew there in the cutter and were told to bed down until morning            Colieen was put in charge, to manage comms and Aiden was told to help her            Imp Army Capt Inost Weyepem managed the safe house            Zimzod felt the buzzing in his head a few times and figured at least two of his care takers were Psi-active
" Dipping A Toe-Tip Into Acid "        Fri-029: Zimzod was healing on cleanse from Slow Drug while Colinne and Aiden worked to find a Clan Erskin network            In Wezsaen, the crew were hunting the fugitive and bedding down in an Imperial Army safe house in the village            Rol was gestating Aboard the Upgrade in the shipyard        Sat-030-The team planned with Cpt Weyepem, who warned teams may be looking for their cutter            The Cpt gave them a map of the village and they planned to leave and come back as traders            Mikah flew them to the shipyard to pickup things to sell and then to the downport            Fesic was left at the port and Aiden flew them back to the village            Mikah showed her paperwork and goods to the village Adjam and Ashshu, who let her sell things            After Cr 41,305 in sales, the crew wandered the village looking for things to buy            Mikah bought the contents of a clothing shop for KCr 50            Jocelynn got the shop keeper to send a message to Colieen so she could start tracking Erskin networks            Mikah also bought 300 yds of furs from a shop            Mikah planned to go to the safe house after dark            The crew went through a number of plans to investigate the houses covertly            Mikah and Jocelynn visited the safe house and learned which house to target            Jocelynn got two mini-cameras to plant            Mikah and Jocelynn got close to the house and planted one camera before being spotted            Mikah and Jocelynn claimed to be out gem hunting and returned to the cutter            Cleansing from drugs and healing from the operation, Zimzod was managed by a team with 2 psi-medics
" Ending With A Bang "        Sat-030: Colinne and Fesic found e-mail data suggesting a spy existed            The emails also included the name "Shio Ylga"            They decided the spy was in the legate's office            They decided to send a message luring the spy out            They called the Count's office for backup but ended up speaking to the Legate            The Legate connected them to the Naval Base Commander, who provided a squad            The lure message was sent, telling the spy to bring a set of red and blue pens            A tech visited the berth looking for pressure changes            Colieen scanned the tech and learned everything about their dealings        Sun-031: At 8am, Fesic and Colinne went to the breakfast shop with a squad for the sting            The sting was carried out and the spy captured and questioned            They spy knew little but confirmed the assassin was in Wezsaen            Mikah asked the Navy base and Count for back up troops but they couldn't be deployed            While eating, the Legate told them about Kennot Watalo and the mess he was making in Apkope            They launched for the shipyard and geared up before picking up Colieen and Fesic            Jocelynn repeatedly stressed that they wanted the assassin alive            They did a diving strike attack, Jocelynn killed 3 and shot one but was also shot            They cleared the house and looked for a hidden basement            Mikah detonated a breaching charge and exposed the basement            The assassin was setting a bomb before fleeing            Mikah fired randomly into the hole and detonated the bomb, killing the assassin            Mikah, Fesic and Sekea were knocked out and returned to the cutter            Aiden launched them and got them back to the downport            The Count intervened to stop them being arrested            The Count asked them to go to Apkope, to recover Kennot's hopper and Mr. Adsi withing the next 2 days            The Count delivered them dinner and left
" The Calm Before Court "        Sun-031: Eating dinner, Mikah changed her mind and told the Count they wouldn't return to Erskin territory            Mikah, Sekea and Fesic were recovering from their concussions            Jocelynn and Mikah disagreed with the success level of the house raid            Mikah got a summons for the crew to appear in Prince Lucan's court on the 33rd day of the year            Jocelynn discovered a mysterious med-kit in her bedroom with no clue where it came from        Mon-032: Mikah discovered the berth's toaster had been modified before she'd had caff            Waking everyone, Mikah discovered Fesic was behind the toaster and mystery med-kit            Fesic was punished by Jocelynn and promised more from Mikah after she recovered            Sekea and Colieen learned the story of "Munarshu and the Breakfast of Doom!"            Sekea, Colieen and Aali went shopping and got a straight jacket at Mikah's request            In a call, Zimzod told Mikah some of his medics were psions            Jocelynn questioned Colieen about how she knew things and Colieen covered her psi-use            Sekea, Jocelynn, Aali and Fesic went to a bar that also had a gaming shop for the evening            Sekea and Fesic competed in a knife-fighting game and made connections with the locals            Jocelynn connected with members of the Ghost Jaekeel and introduced Sekea and Aali        Tue-033: Asleep in the berth, most of the crew were expected in the Count's Court that day
" Parties, Bombs And A Puzzle "        Tue-033: The crew were made Companions of the Order of the Tower and Sword(Knight Victor)            Sekea had an audience with 'the Emperor's Personality' asking about his choices and homeworld            Marine Lt Colonel Kushnanka Gishuu asked Jocelynn to discuss recovering Cenawo Adsi and his cargo            The seneschalate would work with each of them to handle the work to settle their elevations            The Count and Countess invited the crew to join them for dinner            Mikah called Zimzod to talk about the elevations and Sekea wrote his family about recent events            Jocelynn asked Mikah about Colinne        Wed-034: Zimzod got his second Medical Slow Drug injection            Medical authorities authorized 10 mg of fentanyl to be delivered to Sekea            Colieen, Jocelynn, Aali and Aiden did stent work            Jocelynn met with the Lt. Col. while the others went shooting at InstellArms            Jocelynn offered to help in the operation, in her battledress, and the Lt. Colonel accepted            Aali had Terin's gyrostabilizer installed to her gauss rifle            When Jocelynn said she offered to help, Mikah, Sekea and Fesic also volunteered        Thur-035: Zimzod was woken and his med-team managed his transition to normal metabolic rates            The Lt. Col. said his team's mission launch was 8am the next morning            The crew planned how they could create distractions for the Marines            A team of diplomats went to Apkope to speak with the merchant for 'proof of life'            Mikah collected DNA samples and did mind image updates for everyone who had a stent        Fri-036: The crew took part in the operation with only slight damage to the cutter            Jocelynn saw the name "Cadman" pop up on her HUD, but Idshu Cadman died on Regina's Storm            They learned Cenawo Adsi had battledress and assumed he was somehow using Idshu Cadman's armor            The Marines had recovered Adsi's cargo pod but he told them he'd return to the base on his own            Aali looked over the data she'd been sent by a tech and considered getting the cutter fixed            Jocelynn was invited to have her battledress upgraded at the base the next day        Sat-037: Jocelynn brought her armor to be upgraded            Zimzod entered the 3rd day of his cleaning out            Sekea bought a flowering plant that would bloom red petals
" Questions, Answers And Decisions "        Sat-037: The crew celebrated their elevations at the "The Duke's Feasthall"            They started talking about the Count's offered favor            Sekea got the fentanyl he'd ordered            Mikah committed to attending a memorial for those who feel in the Apkope raid        Sun-038: The crew celebrated Jocelynn's birthday            Seneschalate officers helped the crew with the details of their elevations            They visited Zimzod aboard the INS Maadashmim Zikheaa        Mon-039: The crew took part in the memorial for those lost in the Apkope raid            The memorial was interrupted when Kennot Watalo and Cenawo Adsi returned in a stolen aircraft            Adsi was stripped from gthe battledress and questioned, and broken thanks to information from Colinne            Adsi's Ident revealed his travels and when he likely bought the battledress            Jocelynn learned he bought the armor aboard the "Sadeid Ig", a 2k dTon salvage vessel            The base commander handed Jocelynn off to medical officers who began psi tollerance training with her            Sekea borrowed Colinne's book on Denotam's flora and fauna, to research buying seed stock to sell        Tue-040: Jocelynn continued psi tolerance training            Zimzod did day 6 of his cleanse            Sekea asked about pell 'droids and his concierge sent a note to Ghandi to have their 'droids ready for display        Wed-041: Jocelynn continued psi tolerance training and learned some of Colinne's history            Zimzod did his last day of cleanse            Sekea brought his seed stock idea to Mikah, who him to Fesic, who shot it down            Aali suggested they ask for a full military operating system for their computers            Mikah liked the idea and called in their favor with the Count            Mikah was told they'd have to stay in-system an extra week or more, and move the ship to the naval base to install the OS            Mikah and her command staff would also have to visit the ship in the 'codes and keys' installation            They estimated the work would be done between the 58th and 60th day of the year
" Recovery And Reorganization "        Wed-041: Zimzod finished his cleanse before his third Slow Drug injection            The crew decided to sell the snow cat, densometers and Haz-Env suits to free up cargo space            Mikah bought tickets for the community play "Our Downwell Cousins" the next night on the naval base            Aali begun examination and clean up work on the cutter            Fesic hired "Forlu Penan" as a broker for the hyper-arctic gear sale            Mikah was invited to watch the opening of Cenawo Adsi's cargo pod        Thur-042: Jocelynn was tested for Psi potential            Fesic's broker set up the auctions but needed pictures so Fesic and Sekea moved the gear from orbit            Mikah, Aali and Colieen watched as the navy opened and emptied Adsi's cargo pod            Jocelynn was tested for Psi potential            Kennot's crew attacked the port to get to his ship but were stopped by combat forces            Mikah was told the Arch Duke and Prince planned to leave the system within the next two days            Mikah was asked to help the port ID the attacker's remains with their genetic gear in the ship's med-bay            Mikah and the crew saw the play and were suprised when the Prince and Arch Duke arrived too            Jocelynn was taught basic shielding and hiding techniques now that she was psionically active        Fri-043: Jocelynn was taken out to identify Psions in place in the fleet and on stations, including Zimzod            Zimzod was woken from his Slow Drug, cleaned up and tested so he could be released back to Mikah            Mikah tested the genetic material for the Navy then toured Kennot's ship with Aali and Colieen            Fesic had the broker take the images and the auctions started for five days            Mikah recovered Zimzod and Jocelynn        Sat-044: Jocelynn asked Mikah about updating ehr mental image            Colieen talked to Mikah, Jocelynn and Zimzod about "being psionic"            Mikah, Jocelynn, Colieen and Zimzod went into orbit to update the mental images            After dinner, the crew went looking for iced-berry cider        Sun-045: Jocelynn, Aiden and Sekea decided to set up "blade practicing" sessions        Thur-049: They planned to keep the emergency shelter, portable fusion plant and wheel-mounted ice cutters(3 tons of cargo space)            The auction for the hyper-arctic gear ended with a gross sale of Cr 804,800, Net: Cr 643,840 with the ship getting Cr 193,156
" Fun With New Toys And Embezzlement "        Thur-049: Jocelynn went to the naval base and had her tattoo altered and fixed            Sekea sent his mother an x-mail about Denotam's plant species            The crew started taking part in internal sparring practice        Fri-050: Aiden and Aali asked Mikah to back up their neural images            Sekea, Jocelynn and Zimzod looked for Ice Berry cider and packets of seeds for Sekea            the crew put most of their vacc suits and combat armor through annual maintenance            Fesic met with Forlu Penan & Mr. Nigan Dolenwhre for an annuity but got it at the Bank of Lanth            Zimzod bought an installed laser pistol and and grav harness for his battledress            Jocelynn started talking about buying Rol battledress            Sekea bought a grav harness        Sat-051: Day 1 of upgrade work on Zimzod's battledress            Mikah heard the news from Stepozhevac and told Coline to loot their bank accounts            The crew donated to the Baron's fund for King George cruise liner            Colinne found an account for "Fleet Operations Funding"            Colinne routed her looting through Erskin and Arnstruther banks            Mikah read in Sekea and Colieen on IRIS            Mikah's was called to move the ship from the shipyard to the naval base            Jocelynn, Zimzod & Fesic went to the naval base asking permission for Rol to own battledress            Commodore Kirai Garde helped them with the forms after they paid the investigation fee            Sekea sent another x-mail saying he had sample bottles and seeds if his mother wanted them            Colinne planned to move BCr 4 and found 2 accounts based in the Lanth system            Mikah, Aali and Aiden toured the ship, met their 2 new eng 'droids and signed off on the work            They found out the ship's computers had holographic systems that they'd never activated            They handed the ship over to the Navy techs            Coline found an account paying for work on Lanth with too much cash to be just for the assassin            Mikah ordered dinner for the crew            Aiden asked about doing some skirmish combat simulations            Colinne, Aali, Aiden, Jocelynn and Zimzod did stent work
" Two Minutes Of Blood, Horror, Comedy And Death "        Sat-051: The crew set up simulated skirmish competitions with InstellArms            NEWS-FROM-Gungnir(030-1114) as that systems factions come back together        Sun-052: An InstellArms transport arrived at 9:30 to move them to the simulation            They faced an 8-man enemy controlled by AI in a gravity-positive maze simulation            The crew suffered from behavioral discipline and friendly fire            Only Zimzod, Jocelynn and Aiden suffered from enemy fire and Aiden was also shot by Fesic            Aali gave Jocelynn Zach's crew ring            The crew remain at the facility planning for their second simulation
" Rushing To An Anticlimax "        Sun-052: The crew considered their performance in the first simulation and bought drones and gear            The crew participated in a second simulation            Some of the crew remain at the facility upgrading their personal weapons            Other members of the crew returned to the berth after lunch
" Shooting, Shopping And Surprises "        Sun-052: Jocelynn, Aali and Aiden worked with InstellArms to customize their weapons            Members of the crew bought drones of various types and set up comm dots for them            The pirate ship Rumen and another ship arrived from Tremous Dex            Mikah called the Navy about the pirate ship and was allowed to join the boarding unit            News said the Federation of Arden had taken control of Tremous Dex            Jocelynn led the boarding and got the pirates to sell their small arms and surrender            They learned the pirates had 4 survivors from the King George and Marines boarded and secured the ship            Mikah learned one survivo was Lady Aadshur Kurdig Maur Ishnush Agka of Lanth and promised care and protection        Mon-053: Lady Aadshur booked passage to Lanth            Colinne sensed a warning something bad might happen soon that wouldn't involve them            Mikah was called by Lt. Commander Galairli Asa Dunulik who awarded her a KCr 700 bounty            Sekea and Zimzod left for InstellArms, to work on their weapons            Jocelynn and Aali had their rings resized            Aali, Colinne, Mikah and Maur went for a walk and shopping            Mikah offered Lady Aadshur a bedroom and space in the crew's berth            The shoppers got caught up in a robbery and shootout            Sekea and Zimzod were at InstellArms getting their weapons worked on            Jocelynn setting up the comm dot config's for the borrowed dots and drones            Jocelynn pulled Sekea and Colinne aside to teach them some of the crew's clik codes        Tue-054: Fesic sold the furs and clothing to a Clan Arnstruther rep            Mikah divided out the pay to the crew            They went to shop at the base thrift shop            Jocelynn bought a sealed software and hardware kit for a stent            Mikah and Maur ordered her a vacc suit            Sekea rented practice space for his drones again, Jocelynn, Aiden and Colinne joined in            After dinner Colieen led stent practice class            Sekea and Fesic returned to the bar with the knife-fighting game and Sekea had to treat a coronary            Jocelynn tried her single-use kit and was knocked cold for an hour            Jocelynn had been jumped from a Stent-0 to a stent-4            Jocelynn tested her abilities and saw how much she had "not" learned about securing her stent            Colinne felt a wave from Jocelynn's stent and sent her an electronic message            Jocelynn realized she could usae her stent as a comms device, adding to her security concerns            Jocelynn and Aali decided to collaborate while Jocelynn learned about computers and security        Wed-055: The morning opens with none of the crew awake yet
" Finding Allies And Making Enemies "        Wed-055: Jocelynn had issues overnight and Colieen ended up working with her to help with her psi blossoming            Colinne had done a bit of work on the lock picking software            Aali checked the work on the ship and worked on what she ID's as an LSP Model 118BP class training 'Droid            Zimzod did physical therapy            Fesic and Mikah hit the gym, then saw they were clearing space in the harbor for a new ship            Sekea spoke with Maur, about his crewman's father and she remembered he'd been sold by the pirates            Sekea looked for a portable defibrillator but found nothing            Aiden started downloading a music collection            News: Regina(Winefruit), Denotam(Tremous Dex a Red Zone), Denotam(Resoliving anger with Arnstruther),                         Dentus(Aslam "war"), D'Ganzio(Station Rho), Fist(Alsan honoring of a Human)            The port listings showed a new ship: The IV Berniadkno nek Sisem (600 dTon trade ship converted to a yacht)            Sekea reported people wearing the heraldry of Dhian's Duchy            They received an invitation to a party thrown by the Duchess Mikah brought Maur to have a gown made            Aali got manuals for the 'droid and started listing parts needed            Colinne continued to work with Jocelynn at her psi control and securing her stent            Fesic found he could buy 3 of the 6 testing locks in local Imperial stores            The guest list showed the Zhodani Ambassador would attend and Mikah made sure everyone had a psi shield            Their hosts were Duchess Gi Lian Buuurda Shungiam(Duchess Lian) of Dhian and sons, Lords Gaarmia Irsir and Amanki Nuagur            Sekea connected Maur with Lt. Commander Dian Gadshipki Dukesiili Gi Aamkuer, who asked to meet her in his offices            Lt. Commander Dian Gadshipki Dukesiili Gi Aamkuer offered Sekea a favor            Colinne ID'd a member of the Duchess' guards who was exploitable along with some Imp. Navy officers            During the party, the Duchess set up agreements with Clans Arnstruther Clelland and Erskin            The Duchess offered Mikah and her crew KCr 100 per visit        Thur-056: Colinne did a light clair-voy of the coming day and saw weariness and annoyance but no real issues            Aali got an X-Mail from her Mom-I-L on Roup, thanking Aali for info on Emkir's death            They saw the "Wind Temple" that morning on Clan Arnstruther land            A Duchling pulled a small knife and planned to carve the pillar surface causing an incident            After Mikah berated the Duchess and her kids, the tour was ended        Fri-057: They set up to visit the Clelland wonders, "the Banded Columns" and "the Caverns"            The Duchess and brats wanted to explore the caverns and she resisted when Mikah buffered the guides            The female guide was found to have an off-world knife for piercing personal armor            In the cavern, a Duchling used a laser pointer on a frozen cavern wall and the female guide fought for it            Jocelynn got the girl and Aali got the kid and the pointer            The tour was ended and they went back to the ships and the port            The female guide had been knocked out and had a concussion            Colinne worked with Jocelynn a bit more on her stent        Sat-058: Colinne sought visions and saw them clustered in a group on a plain with 5 combat aircraft coming for them            Colinne then had a full vision showing significant wounds, lost people and the loss of the cutter            Mikah called the Admiral to say they weren't going with the Duchess and he called the Count            The Count agreed and they called the Duchess, who went super nova            Mikah broke out the KCR 200 to KCr 600 for the ship and Cr 15,566 per crew member
" Near The Slog's End "        Sat-058: They crew went to the holographic library to see the projection of The Torches of Hell            Fesic stepped down as the ship's trade officer and Jocelynn took over            Maur and Sekea worked on forensic portraits of the pirates she remembered            Aali found the shipyard could return the ship that day or in the next day or two            Aali mentioned a shakedown cruise and they planned that out            Mikah called the port and paid Cr 1,500 to rent their berth until the 73rd            Zimzod taught the class ondoor breaching and room clearing            A Commodore Phlime Covar called Zimzod for Admiral Ligan Aarbii, to say his father died            Zimzod sent his mother KCr 30, to be carried by the Commodore on a J-6 courier for Pimane            Zimzod got his battledress back            Colinne had a future vision in a strange ship, talking to a strange man            The man's black skinsuit had an insignia of the Order of the White Star            Sekea did a portrait matching a pirate Maur remembered but Sekea knew as a steward on the cruise        Sun-059: Sekea collected data for the coming shakedown            Aiden asked Jocelynn and Aali about re-organizing his shipboard stateroom            Mikah was called by the shipyard saying the ship was done            Everyone squared away their gear to get the ship            Mikah paid Cr 1,500 to hold the berth thru the 75th day            They toured the ship and signed off on it            Mikah got 2 weeks of "better than average" for Cr 3,000 for the shakedown            They left the shipyard
" Moving Through And Into Transitions "        Sun-059: They left on a shakedown cruise to the closest asteroid belt and the inner-most gas giant(Siidilik)            Jocelynn started research on trade between Denotam and Ghandi and planned an EVA            Jocelynn sent an X-mail to InstellArms(Ghandi) saying they'd arrive in Ghandi on 085-1114            Aali examined the pell 'droid parts            Mikah authorized Fesic to work the bridge to support manning it in shifts with Aiden and Sekea            Sekea started asking about Mikah's anger at Fesic            Mikah had a ship's emergency evacuation drill with Maur        Mon-060: Sekea was working when Aiden's practical joke turned off everything on the bridge            Sekea raised an alarm and Aiden told them it was a practical joke            In the morning, Aiden and Sekea argued over the prank            At breakfast, Mikah "began" punishing Aiden            Sekea asked Mikah about Fesic's issues and she pushed him off            They tested their sensors and weapons when they reached the asteroid belt            They burned to reach the nearest gas giant        Tue-061: They reached the gas giant, did their refueling run and began refining their fuel (needing 21 hours)            Jocelynn researched cargos        Wed-062: They finished refining the fuel and started the 10 hour burn away from the gas giant        Thur-063: They micro-jumped for a tangent with the jump shadow at 11am
- This includes:
" Exit Unlocked! "        Thur, 063: The crew entered a micro-jump to a point tangent to the edge of system's jump shadow            Aali finished surveying the pell droid to see 5% of the android's parts were missing and started on assembly        Thur, 070-1114: The ship emerged from the micro-jump ad started the 16 hr burn            Sekea got an X-mail answering his questions about the hostile environment suits from Arch Duke Norris            Mikah had to considered how to manage time and decide "where" to decant Rol's clone?            Jocelynn bought cargo for Ghandi and food for the ship        Thur, 074-1114: The crew left Denotam and entered the jump to Ghandi        Sat, 072-1114: Mikah backed up Jocelynn's mental image on the second day of jump        Sun, 073-1114: Mikah backed up Zimzod's mental image on the second day of jump        Mon, 074-1114: Mikah backed up Aiden's mental image on the second day of jump        Mon, 081-1114: The ship emerged just under 2 hrs from Ghandi and they rented an internal berth on the port            They rented a hotel suite and set about exploring the port